Example sentences of "be see [to-vb] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The bulk of the benefits are seen to derive from the effects of increased competition and lower costs which lead to lower prices , and also stimulate investment .
2 Increases in money wages are seen to result from the activities of strong trade unions who make use of their monopoly power in the control of the supply of labour to push for wage increases in excess of those required to compensate workers for rising prices and rising productivity .
3 To identify people by name can be seen to detract from the objectivity of the report .
4 It is true that the present nature of the threat can be seen to come from the left .
5 In line with the general emphasis on blood in the exilic Priestly tradition , tremendous importance was attached to the actual blood of the circumcision , and unless several drops of blood were seen to issue from the wound , the operation was deemed invalid and valueless .
6 The implementation of key targets as operational components of the new strategy — and hence also of the process of negotiation — may be conceived in the time frame of a decade but only in the form of a dynamic process , with different time frames for different components , and with an in-built and effective mechanism for review and reappraisal , leading to adjustments and correctives whenever the strategy is seen to deflect from the goals and objectives of development for which it was devised .
7 A new support is seen to descend from the span .
8 During the thrilling 3–3 draw between Arsenal and Nottingham Forest , Mr Clough was seen to emerge from the Forest dug-out and engage one of the linesmen in animated conversation .
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