Example sentences of "be make with [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is the NRA 's first survey and comparisons have been made with a similar exercise five years ago by the Department of the Environment , Welsh Office and the regional water authorities [ which took into account data recorded in 1980 ] .
2 The first attack , which happened at Mithian Downs , was discovered on Saturday evening , when the horse suffered a wound which appeared to have been made with a sharp instrument .
3 The prints , which the Fingerprint Branch of Scotland Yard found to have been made with a left thumb pressed into the painting while still wet , have been minutely replicated in the damaged areas .
4 As the Daily Express noted : ‘ Much as I disliked this film and its cheap exploitation of suffering and illness , I must concede that it has been made with the dead-on professionalism that is characteristic of the other ‘ Carry Ons . ’ ’
5 It is not the first time that , for whatever reason , such a ‘ mistake ’ , if you can call it that , has been made with the best will in the world .
6 ‘ On July 12 Lord Young confirmed that tax agreements had been made with the Inland Revenue , and there had been an exchange of letters ‘ on terms satisfactory to BAe ’ . ’
7 Her appearances have been singular for the genuine interest she has shown on all occasions and have been made with the avowed object of giving encouragement and , if possible raising money .
8 The entry into Jerusalem can only have been made with the calculated design of identifying himself , very specifically in the eyes of the populace , with the expected Messiah — in other words , with the rightful king , the ‘ anointed one ’ .
9 Originally this would have been made with the Moroccan pastry ouarka , but filo pastry is fine .
10 Entries are made with every different kind of control input : full in-spin aileron , full out-spin aileron , airbrakes in and out , c.g. forward and c.g. aft , etc. , using the standard method of recovery to stop the spin .
11 Very often such cheeses are made with a vegetarian rennet and natural sea salt .
12 Subsequent references to Wordsworth 's surroundings are made with the definite article ( " the woods ' , " the pathless rocks ' ) .
13 It is to be noted that need is not referred to albeit that , in practice , many applications for interim payment are made with the specific intent of securing a sum designed to meet a specific need or requirement of the pursuer .
14 The actual monitor controls are never altered , the adjustments are made with the standard colour wheel control of the Macintosh , but the end result should be a pretty close approximation .
15 There are overheads when defining and manipulating hierarchies , and this is particularly apparent when comparisons are made with the relational approach .
16 Co-direction ensures that administrative decisions are made with the full understanding of the implications for all participants .
17 All other text editing and file commands are made with an active cursor in the Command Area .
18 One area where saving can be made with a low outlay , is storage of both recipe ingredients and pre-prepared meals .
19 But , when more that 2 to 3 minutes away from the facility , a correction for 5° off track should be made with a minimum angle of 30° .
20 Whereas the diagnosis of early infectious syphilis can be made with a good degree of accuracy by identifying the treponeme with darkground examination of serum from a chancre or from the skin lesions of secondary infection , in latent or late syphilis , be it acquired or congenital , the diagnosis depends on the finding of antibodies to the infection in the blood .
21 Potatoes are cheap and a considerable amount of profit can be made with a little thought being put into the presentation .
22 Arrangements will have to be made with a suitable removal firm if she is going to bring some of her furniture with her , and she may need help in finding the best dealers or auctioneers to take the items she wants to dispose of .
23 The changes identified by the Tomlinson report are of such a magnitude and involve so great a culture change that the planning and decision making will need to be made with a great deal of care and integration .
24 Repairs to damaged lead pipe can be made with a special type of compression fitting — much easier than ‘ wiping ’ a lead joint .
25 The hole for the flange can be made with a large tank cutter or by drilling a circle of small holes and using a padsaw to connect them up , preventing the disc falling into the cylinder .
26 The diagnosis may be made with a high degree of accuracy from the clinical appearance of the lesions , and this can be confirmed by growing the virus in the laboratory on developing hens ' eggs .
27 Any cross-sectional type of analysis can also be made with a longitudinal study but , in addition , the aggregation of changes in individuals can be looked at .
28 When and if this occurs , decisions about mentally handicapped babies will be made with a full consideration of the issues involved .
29 A further finishing touch can be made with the flat plate used to test the saw setting angles , turned to form a lid .
30 We would be very pleased to discuss any aspect of staff development and in the first instance contact should be made with the Administrative Officer with responsibility for this area of our work .
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