Example sentences of "be say [conj] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has been said that a negative character quality is a positive quality misused .
2 The 1980s have seen an increasing North-South regional polarisation , a de-industrialisation of the old heartlands of British industry so great that one can understand why it has been said that the working class have a nostalgia for industry , a decline in welfare provision for those most in need , a redistribution of taxation in favour of the well-off and — as distressingly revealed during the miners ' strike of 1984–5 — the growth of a national paramilitary form of policing acting on behalf of a government determined to weaken trade unionism while British capitalism restructures itself .
3 It has been said that the Imperial Court was more successful in mounting great set pieces than in its day-to-day running , and indeed so successful was it in this field that an impression was created that the whole of the period was one long spectacle — the so-called fête impériale — whose only aim was entertainment , prodigality and licence .
4 It has been said that the real question in the case is the degree of restriction that can be imposed upon a sovereign State in negotiating with another State in matters that affect the vital interests of third States .
5 It has been said that the Irish Sea and even the Bristol Channel ( just outside my window as I write ) are older than the Atlantic .
6 It has often been said that the decisive development since Darwin was a new synthesis , in the 1920s and 1930s , of Mendel on heredity and Darwin on selection .
7 It has often been said that the non-neurotic person is one whose repressive mechanisms work well .
8 War in France had not hitherto been popular : in the thirteenth century it had been said that the English knights ‘ did not give a bean for all of France ’ , and resistance to service in France had been an important element in the political crisis of 1297 .
9 It has been said that the Conservative Party 's deliberately tough stand on immigration has removed the raison d'être of the extreme right , even if the former 's stance is based on exclusionism rather than on the expulsionism of the latter .
10 we , we , we , we , we 've , we 've , we 've got one decision I think which we are making , which is that we should n't at the moment , make any recruitment until we 've got confirmation that we can guarantee employment next year , se , secondly I think we 're saying that the first appointment that we do want to make is of a complaint examiner , and that if further investigators leave us , then we would n't be seeking to replace them as investigators , we 'd be seeking to replace with the complaint examiner , that , that , that ,
11 With the COSE Common Open System Environment agreement only just signed , sources are saying that a further agreement may be only 30 days away on WOSE — the Windows Open Systems Environment — which perhaps will be based on the technology Sun Microsystems Inc has been fostering from Praxis Corp .
12 With the COSE agreement only just signed , sources are saying that a further agreement may be only thirty days away on WOSE — the Windows Open Systems Environment — perhaps based on the technology Sun Microsystems has fostered from Praxis .
13 ‘ If I read you rightly , ’ said Radulfus , having searched Cadfael 's face , and found it in very grave earnest , ‘ you are saying that the young man was attacked in mistake for a Benedictine brother . ’
14 In saying that the crisis of legitimacy is central , we are saying that the penal crisis is in essence a moral crisis .
15 I derive the greatest satisfaction from the fact that the Government , through the Gracious Speech , are saying that the highest priority will be given to the improvement of public services .
16 In fact some City professionals are saying that the licensed dealer should be a protected species , or it will shortly become extinct .
17 By concentrating on the international dimension of the UK 's crossroads we are saying that the structural changes are conditioned by the UK 's international position — — however we conceive it — and are at least partly determined by structural changes in the international economy .
18 Mr Clarke said last night : ‘ What I said after the meeting was exactly what I said at the meeting and exactly the same as I have been saying since the White Paper was published .
19 Even when things had apparently gone well for fifteen years , the thinking population had been saying that the good times can never last : Surely enough , they came to an end in the mid 1970's .
20 It can never be said of a theory that it is true , however well it has withstood rigorous tests , but it can hopefully be said that a current theory is superior to its predecessors in the sense that it is able to withstand tests that falsified those predecessors .
21 It can not be said that a warm relationship developed between the Minister and the doctors .
22 It could be said that a major function of handmade ceramic ware , individually thrown mugs and bowls , is to aid the transition into the automated computer age .
23 This realization has led to a great deal of debate and , although it can not be said that a general consensus has been reached on how best to define development , a good deal of light has been shed on the processes involved in different types of development .
24 In an article written in support of the ordination of women to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church in the United States , Richard Norris , whose scholarship I have just mentioned , argues that the tenets of patristic Christology are such that it can not be said that a baptized woman is differently related than is a man to Jesus as the Christ .
25 Indeed , stretches of the system had considerable success , and between 1814 and the 1840's it could be said that the Grand Union justified itself .
26 Since the directors are the sole shareholders , the shareholders are not deprived of anything , and it could be said that the sole controllers are not dishonest within Ghosh .
27 Not simply a resurrection in people 's minds — I might well grant that but a resurrection as an objective fact of history , so that it could be said that the causal nexus of history and that of nature were broken ( for there are not resurrections ) .
28 In fact , it could be said that the only women these days who sport one single fragrance , all the time , are those famous glamour-pusses — Joan Collins , Elizabeth Taylor , Paloma Picasso , and so on — who are paid several millions of dollars a year to endorse a ‘ signature ’ scent , on condition they never allow gossipy fellow lunchers in smart restaurants to get an illicit whiff of ‘ Chanel No 5 ’ as they swan by .
29 For instance ( using the familiar Venn diagrams ) it will be said that the underlined phrase of ( 11 ) ( which is , incidentally , a zoologically correct statement ) owes its restrictive quality to the fact that there is an intersection between circle a , standing for the class of piranhas , and circle b , standing for the class of vegetarian creatures , and this intersection represents the beings denoted by the subject of the sentence : ( 11 ) vegetarian piranhas can be found in the Amazon ( 12 ) However , such implications are incorrect ; it is by no means necessarily true that the property instantiated by a restrictive adjective is to be ascribed to the entity qualified .
30 If this is to identify a Warwickshire weakness , it must be said that the 1991 season exceeded all predictions .
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