Example sentences of "be in [noun sg] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a way , these two things have been in conflict right the way through the history of climbing .
2 Most unfortunate , had been in action only a couple of hours .
3 I 've been in hospital rather a lot . ’
4 If several distinct sections of the conducting loop are in motion then the flux cut by each section needs to be summed algebraically ( each contribution taken as positive or negative depending whether the motion of that section increases or decreases the flux linkage ) .
5 There are in fact quite a number of exceptions to this proposition , so that in England a county court summons will normally be served by an officer of the court sending it by post and some writs in admiralty may be served by the Admiralty Marshal ; in the United States federal courts , summonses in civil actions are served by a United States Marshal ; but service by the plaintiff or his agent is nonetheless seen as the common law norm .
6 There is still a lot of competition from cheaper second-hand aircraft , although now that the Piper Cadet seems no longer to be in production perhaps the market is somewhat more restricted .
7 And then when Suzanne was she had a lot of trouble carrying her about and she had to be in hospital quite a bit
8 There were in addition downstairs a boiler room with a bed in it , a bathroom and kitchen .
9 Beginning by a fantastic attempt to construct pedigrees where sons were their own fathers , I became gradually so involved that I remember wondering if God the Father were in truth only the child that grew up into Jesus Christ .
10 Now you get the health problems caused by over tight corseting , which led to constriction of lungs , of ribs , in some cases , punctured lungs , a lot of cases of T B in the eighteen forties were in fact where the corset had compressed the ribs so tightly , that they 'd actually punctured the lung .
11 The Tridentine reforms were in practice essentially an Italian , even a Roman affair , except where they were enforced by the Jesuits , the ‘ soldiers of the Counter-Reformation ’ .
12 In contrast with a shareholder , the debentureholder is in law not a member of the company having rights in it , but a creditor having rights against it .
13 When the closed path is in a wire loop and the loop is in motion then a force due to the magnetic field is present as well , giving rise to a finite amount of work in the same manner .
14 Police enforcement of the traditional code , on the other hand , is in theory not a matter for a mere segment of the population , and except where the police deal with persistent or ‘ problem ’ offenders , their target population is one made up of strangers , given to unpredictable deviance .
15 It is in fact not a doctrine of neutrality but of moral pluralism .
16 Democracy should embody the popular will — ; ‘ every law which the people has not ratified is null , void is in fact not a law .
17 The wide gap in the chromosome III ( accounting for 1Mbp of the rDNA repeat ) is in fact not a gap but an undetected overlap of two groups of clones having 5 deleted probes in common .
18 This is in fact not the case and we are happy to make clear that Mr Davis in fact believes strongly in the rights of all animals .
19 She is in fact already a teacher of a few years ' experience , with one class in her own village of Strathkinness in Fife , and two more in nearby St. Andrews ; she has even more experience as a traveller , having for some time regularly made the journey to Edinburgh by bicycle and train to attend training Saturdays with Rita Quick and Monday recreational classes with Muriel Jessop , and during the last two years undertaken the long trip south to take part in Aston Clinton weekends .
20 Moreover while electronics is seen as a growth industry , it is in fact nationally a sector of ‘ jobless growth ’ .
21 Apart from that erm the scores on the doors forty six postcards were sent out which does n't sound perhaps like very many but is in fact quite a lot of work when you 're having to find people who 's who people 's MPs are for them and so on .
22 Much that appears as rejection of the legitimacy of the state is in fact quite the reverse .
23 But the absence is in fact only a dissimulation , for etymologically the word ‘ between ’ is a fusion of ‘ be ’ and ‘ two ’ .
24 An unwary reader might think that the book is a history of the changes in Western art , whereas it is in fact only a selection of some changes .
25 The church is in fact only the north aisle of what was intended to be a mini-cathedral .
26 Archaeology confirms the picture : the so-called ‘ pyramid tomb ’ at Sardis is in fact certainly the monument of a Persian ; ‘ pyramidal stamp seals ’ of Persian type have been found in Asia Minor ( Iran , 1970 , pp. 19ff. ) ; at Sardis excavations have uncovered a relief depicting both Cybele and Artemis/Anahita ( G. Hanfmann and N. Ramage , Sculpture from Sardis , 1978 , no. 20 ) ; and Greco-Iranian stelai ( funerary pillars ) from the satrapal capital of Daskyleion in north-west Anatolia are sometimes carved in Aramaic , indicating the Persian nationality of the customers for whom they were executed ( Rev. Arch . ,
27 the so-called ‘ defense line ’ to which the Ambassador had referred was in actuality merely an enumeration of those sectors in the western Pacific in which the United States held firm military commitments : i.e. our responsibilities as an occupying Power in Japan , our special interest in the Philippines as a former part of United States territory etc .
28 Mr John Bond , Lord Lane 's clerk , said Mr Mahoney was in court almost every day .
29 It rang with pride and passion , the intensity of the emotion heightening the slightly exotic aspect of her peculiar beauty which was in reality merely the end sum of a wonderfully mixed ancestry of ordinary Celts , Latins and Anglo-Saxons .
30 We munched and slept for what seemed like hours , but was in reality only an hour and a half , becoming increasing uncomfortable .
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