Example sentences of "be in [adv] [adj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ’ They 're in here all the time looking through the clothes and you know exactly what 's on their minds .
2 In her trip she had been in too small a room — that was all .
3 If boards are in too bad a condition to be revived by any of the preceding methods they can almost certainly be retrieved by paint topped up with several coats of polyurethane .
4 Yeah and I 'm in here all the time yeah .
5 worked at the erm at The Clwyd and he me , you know , he used to be in there all the time !
6 There was the clear economic argument which believed that countries outside the EEC , particularly Britain with its preferential Commonwealth arrangements , would be in too advantageous a position .
7 The board of directors is unlikely to be in as good a position as the manager to judge on this .
8 YOU should make the most of this year because when Saturn lands in your opposite sign next year , you want to be in as strong a position as possible .
9 after being in there all the time , but I mean , you , there 's nothing you can do you can sit with somebody
10 Despite being in only half the film , Hopkins — staring , whispering and pulling people 's faces off — reduces Jodie Foster 's Clarice Sterling to a near-supporting role .
11 Each individual fragment of the total reality has an individual essence and its behaviour is entirely explicable as its effort to keep itself in being in as full a fashion as its environment allows .
12 We tried to tell them that they were in as safe a place as possible , that only reliable people knew where they were hiding , and that we would come again the next day .
13 E. W. Lovegrove in an essay on the churches of Stamford in 1908 says that St. John 's and St. Martin 's were in so ruinous a state that completely new Perpendicular style buildings had to be erected on their site .
14 Siemens Nixdorf is in as bad a way as IBM , and only a couple of years behind Bull , and that simply because the German public sector still has n't realised it 's crazy to pay $50,000 or more per MIPS for computing power .
15 Either its organisation is in so parlous a condition that it has to rely on active service units of such incompetence that they can not place bombs and give effective warnings .
16 As I have said already , it was in just such a position that the doctor who attended us in wartime lived .
17 I was in just such a trance , going through the motions of doing what I was told , but without being able to do so in reality .
18 Bergsson said : ‘ He was in a hurry to take the throw but I was in not such a hurry to give him the ball .
19 Welsh forward play , a problem he had tried to address , was in as bad a state as ever .
20 I told her the flat was in too disgusting a state for her to come and visit .
21 It was a strange experience , to be hiring a servant , but Wilson was in too confused a state to relish this evidence of her change in status .
22 ‘ Much as I admired Bob Payton and his unequivocal standards , I had also felt I was in too important a position .
23 He shows us Johnson in a delighted state , thrilled because the ‘ entertainment here was in so elegant a style , and reminded my fellow-traveller so much of England ’ .
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