Example sentences of "be a [noun sg] for all [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Rugby has always been a game for all shapes and sizes — the short and the tall , the squat and the big .
2 Comfrey is one of the herbs that seem to have been a remedy for all ills , and one that the mediaeval and Elizabethan physicians and herbalists would never be without .
3 ‘ Of course , we have to put these advertisements in , ’ said the tired , courteous , slightly frayed man who interviewed him , ‘ because we are a service for all schools in the private sector .
4 Yet it is condemned by some as inflexible to the point where it can not be a curriculum for all children .
5 Her likely high profile and that of Tipper Gore , wife of vice-president Al Gore will be a tonic for all women fighting for more recognition and a better deal .
6 But it welcomed FRED4 , saying because it contains more detailed proposals its provisions should be used to override FRED3 and , indeed , there should be a requirement for all transactions to be interpreted in the light of the draft off balance sheet standard .
7 A victory for the twenty one members at Crawley will be a victory for all workers in the public services .
8 While it certainly can not be claimed to be a panacea for all ills , and no system of therapeutics has yet turned out to be that , it is an approach which I would not like to be without .
9 At home Scotch Whisky is a drink for all occasions … equally at home when there 's a crowd or when there are only two of you .
10 So , I did what I learnt to do as a working-class woman , which was to justify why I did my work by saying , well of course it is a metaphor for all kinds of struggle , and of course it is , but actually the original reason was n't that at all .
11 It is a temptation for all mothers whose lives are emotionally unfulfilled .
12 The thin end of the wedge is that this chips away at the core of what makes union unique : it is a game for all shapes and sizes .
13 However , the basic argument of the monetarist is that money is a unique asset which is not a close substitute for any particular range of assets , but instead is a substitute for all assets both real and financial .
14 Thus the substitutability of money for other assets is one crucial area of difference between the Keynesians and monetarists : whereas the former argue that money is a close substitute for financial assets , the latter claim that money is a substitute for all assets .
15 The Keynesians would therefore expect a close relationship between the demand for money and the yield ( rate of interest ) on near-money substitutes , but the monetarist would not expect a significant relationship because of the belief that money is a substitute for all assets alike .
16 The assumption that money is a substitute for all assets , both real and financial , leads the monetarists to conclude that an increase in the money supply brings about directly an increase in prices as a consequence of increased purchases of all types of assets .
17 In contrast , the monetarists argue that money is a substitute for all assets , so they see an increase in the money supply resulting in an increase in prices in general , not just in the price of financial assets .
18 Again , it is a canal for all kinds of transport and yet is a bridge to the outside world , providing access .
19 This is an advantage for all documents written or approved by more than one author , not just the rather artificial example of education .
20 It 's only when you visit Jane and Keith Hainge 's modest patch behind their Edwardian terrace house in Chesham , Bucks , that you realise it is an inspiration for all gardeners with limited resources .
21 The first part is an index for all Package and Product modules and the second is an index for all types of module .
22 Ireland was a nightmare for all parties ; the fifty-year respite gained by Lloyd George in 1921 was certainly based on pragmatism rather than principle but no other policy could have worked .
23 IF THERE ever was a man for all seasons it is the redoubtable John Jackson , whose posts include a board seat at electronics group Philips and the vice chairmanship of Ladbroke .
24 It was a kiss for all things .
25 Most people joined it for humanitarian reasons but it was an outlet for all kinds of disgust .
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