Example sentences of "be [pn reflx] [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Buried within the plastic explosive had been a miniature detonator , or minidet , later extracted from within a fragment of vertebra that had been itself buried in the spleen .
2 would be unwise for us in analysing our 1983 data to treat the unemployed in the same way as in 1972 without at least considering whether this might not seriously distort our results ; more specifically , it would seem important to examine what effect it would have on he 1983 mobility [ results ] if unemployment , or at all events long-term unemployment , were itself regarded as a mobility ‘ status ’ or outcome .
3 In such a theory the state is seen as not merely helping to reproduce the capitalist system in contradictory ways , but as being itself shaped by the class struggle which results from those contradictions .
4 It was not only that animals were suffering to their detriment , but their abusers were themselves brutalised in the process .
5 What was unexpected , at least by Adobe , was that Microsoft , who were themselves looking for an outline font technology for Presentation Manager , would side with Apple and agree to adopt TrueType .
6 The guilty cats were themselves living in the wild .
7 The miners and their families were themselves implicated in the creation of their coalfield culture , through the operation of hegemonic processes by which relations of domination and subdomination came to imbue the entire lived experience — the social practices , relationships , expectations , and dominant values .
8 While it was widely acclaimed by public sector authorities , voluntary organizations and professionals — though inevitably with some interagency squabbling and professional quibbling-its proposed ‘ agenda for action ’ was perceived as even more far-reaching and revolutionary than the Audit Commission report , although in fact many of Griffiths ' recommendations were themselves derived from the Audit Commission 's findings , translated into practical proposals .
9 This article attempts to provide some explanations for how readers of the play text or the audience of the dramatic performance are able to recognise character traits , and how these traits are themselves affected by the action of the play .
10 These are themselves limited to the provision of various forms of injunctions , which are only effective if there is a power of arrest attached , and only enforcable by the police .
11 Skirtings are generally nailed into place to timber packing pieces , called grounds , which are themselves secured to the masonry behind with large cut nails .
12 The Job Control commands are themselves placed in a file , using a text editor .
13 But such emotions are themselves informed by the way in which we see the world , by our conceptions of what it is that we find desirable or fearful .
14 Even were the principle to be open to compromise , the inference that it is proper merely , so to say , to extend opening hours until 70 is itself based on a misconception about older age — and one is unhappy to note its manifestation among a clutch of answers from old-age-oriented agencies .
15 Seniority is itself based on the length of service to the group as in the classic statement of Japanese company practices ; authority is legitimated by its long record of commitment and respect for seniority is therefore justified .
16 Pangenesis is itself presented as a theory of how this identity of powers arises in development .
17 Each of the chapters is itself subdivided into a set of double-page spreads with its own title , such as ‘ Fossil environments ’ and ‘ The origin of life ’ .
18 What they are capable of in the way of understanding and manipulating their own situation is itself determined by the whole structured in dominance , and the idea of strategy itself must be understood in holist terms .
19 The very word from which jet has been derived , the Latin gargetas , is itself named after the river and town of Gagas or Gages in Lycia , Asia Minor .
20 The limited nature of the proposed level of competition is itself accepted in the Electricity Directive :
21 What is normal behaviour is itself influenced by the pattern of early experiences which are common to that society .
22 For example , in this sense , a gross book value of an item of plant in historic cost terms is objective : in the plant accounts there is a debit which supports the balance sheet item and which is itself supported by an order and a paid invoice recording the historic cost .
23 Finally , the new technology is itself incorporated into the production process , in the form of , for example , robots , CNC machine tools , or word processors , and so displaces various types of worker .
24 The President ( currently Chaim Herzog ) is elected every five years , and appoints a Prime Minister ( currently Itzhak Shamir ) on the basis of the distribution of power between parties in the Knesset ( parliament ) , which is itself elected for a maximum of four years .
25 They found that moving traps were indeed consuming energy — cells used up 29 per cent of their ATP in the three seconds of closure , Venus fly-traps clamp down on their prey as a result of irreversible cell expansion , which is itself caused by the activation of wall loosening enzymes by a lowered p H in the cell wall .
26 Alongside this , there has been growing awareness of the plasticity of the nervous system and of the extent to which the ‘ hard-wiring ’ of the wetware of the brain is itself modulated by the brain 's own experience .
27 The initial interferogram is itself used as a diffraction grating to reconstruct an image .
28 It is itself required for the fulfilment of the task we usually associate with political authority .
29 Furthermore , it becomes evident over the course of the novel that the story of this founding is itself illuminating in the context of contemporary scientific practices .
30 Unfortunately Glam was himself bested by the GHOST and he , too , became a surly and violent ‘ walker after death ’ .
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