Example sentences of "be [being] [vb pp] [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 Where possible , the more significant ‘ non-Leicestershire ’ cases are being followed up in the relevant local newspapers , and national events are being followed up in The Times .
2 Where possible , the more significant ‘ non-Leicestershire ’ cases are being followed up in the relevant local newspapers , and national events are being followed up in The Times .
3 Open exhibition spaces will have to be air- conditioned and a number of experiments on how to achieve this are being carried out in the Bioclimatic Rotonda , located at the Expo office compound .
4 Most of the 38 protocols approved for genetic therapy are being carried out in the United States on patients with cancer .
5 Two new branches are being set up in the province — Londonderry and Armagh/ Tyrone .
6 ‘ I do n't like the fact that I am being pushed out in the cold .
7 I am being set up in the ward and it occurs to me that I am feeling fine .
8 In March 1915 at a discussion between London Tramways Managers , Mr. Mason said he did not think women were suitable to conduct large open top cars , but in the New Year , the Company had to employ them , as so many men were being called up in the forces .
9 Whether by accident or design , Husbands and Wives contains uncanny echoes of the real events that were being played out in the lives of the cast as it was made .
10 Instead of soldiers , tourists armed only with cameras patrolled the freshly washed cobbles of the square , while , outside the various restaurants and the tabac on the corner , tables with bright umbrellas were being set out in the sunshine .
11 The arguments over the significance of organic relationships that we normally associate with the debate over Darwin 's Origin of Species were being fought out in the natural-history museums and anatomy schools just when Darwin himself was first beginning to develop his evolutionary theory in the late 1830s .
12 Whilst the King 's declarations were being read out in the market place , the reader , a local man , seeing Richard Baxter passing by , stopped and shouted , ‘ There goeth a traitor ’ !
13 Mr Salmon told me that he 'd heard the best barrows were being sold off in the Old Kent Road , on account of the fact that so many young lads were heeding Kitchener 's cry and joining up to fight for King and country .
14 You 're not the one who 's being chucked up in the air .
15 There was no sound of a light 's being switched on in the sitting room , but we might not have been able to hear it .
16 Raw muck and slurry can burn young plants and even slow down plant growth whilst it is being broken down in the soil .
17 If you are behind him you can sometimes catch a glimpse of little bits of him because all the smoke is being blown out in the front .
18 So it 's fitting that his collection of fishing tackle is being auctioned off in the town tomorrow .
19 It is a medical fact that the body is at its lowest ebb between three and six in the morning and the ability to react , the ability to think when one is being woken up in the early hours of the morning erm are a consideration that we take into account when we have to mount an operation inside a premises .
20 Yet another youth project of a rather specialist nature is being carried out in the north east area .
21 He has been on the Opposition Front Bench for long enough to have seen and understood the redevelopment work that is currently being undertaken in Londonderry and which is being carried out in the county towns throughout the length and breadth of Northern Ireland .
22 The research is being carried out in the North West as this region is one of the largest providers of local authority unstaffed homes .
23 The pilot scheme is being carried out in the Matusadona national park near the Zambian border , where the rhino population has dropped from 150 to 16 in the last five years .
24 A mobile training resource based on the Playtrac model is being set up in the North East by Save the Children , in partnership with Mencap and The Spastics Society .
25 that the swimming pool was being filled up in the
26 Murtach had already told Bicker of the fight at Ivrigar , and a strong patrol was being sent out in the morning under Ord .
27 The game that was being played out in the shadows around the planet Earth was old beyond even its understanding .
28 At this point the stunt that was being pulled off in the music found its visual equivalent rising to meet it .
29 " Juvenus " remarked that a " girls " chapel " was being set up in the GPO of members of the Edinburgh Typographical Society on temporary secondment .
30 Official statements said that no art restoration work was being carried out in the Chapel at the time of the fire .
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