Example sentences of "be [that] [pers pn] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Until quite recently the outstanding problem with many recordings of music before 1600 has been that they reveal the lack of tradition behind their vocal and instrumental practice and therefore suffer from an inevitable slide towards solipsism .
2 ‘ For the railway monopolies , it has always been that they wanted the data network modernised .
3 A disadvantage of team teaching , of course , has been that it required the teacher , normally an individualistic person accustomed to complete authority within the four walls of his classroom , to sink his authority and his subject speciality within a group .
4 It may be that they left the gate open when they went , and Joe just trotted out . ’
5 In this case it would possibly be that they had the name of the subscriber but …
6 It might be that they lead the opinions of a group of three people , ten people or thirty , but those opinion-makers are the key .
7 For others it might be that they want the relationship to end completely and do not want to be financially dependent on their former partners ( Bradshaw and Millar found that a fifth of those not receiving maintenance said that they did not want any ) .
8 It may be that she commissioned the piece under the influence of the Norman history written for her brother Duke Richard II by Dudo of St Quentin , while some have thought it political propaganda intended to influence events after Cnut 's death .
9 It may well be that he took the place of Thomas Hitchcock who had been apprenticed to the same master nine years previously .
10 So severe does Naylor believe this question of interdependency to be that he devotes the whole of his 1986 study to an attempt to develop an alternative to the portfolio matrix .
11 gentleman came to this house it seemed to be that he challenged the establishment and many of us welcomes that view it seemed to give a breath of fresh air , but now it seems to me that he 's become entirely institutionalised , can he explain that to the house ?
12 The result will often be that he wins the race .
13 Secondly , he was a glaciologist and it may well be that he persuaded the pilot to swin' away to the east .
14 Now you may as a manager think well you do n't have to do it all yourself , you can use senior people within your section who have the knowledge or you can use training officers or you can use people like ourselves at the training centre or the C B T or the I Vs or it could be that you bring the marketing department to help you out .
15 Another effect of the phrase would seem to be that it enables the person uttering the remarks or engaging in the behaviour to assert that he was unaware of the presence of his audience , which duplicates the requirements of intention now built into the section .
16 The one good effect of the poll tax may be that it forces the sale of these empty properties to people who will breathe new life into half-dead communities .
17 The main criterion for an engine , says Mr Nearn , has to be that it fits the car .
18 The crucial weaknesses of the South Korean army on the eve of the Korean War were that it lacked the range and quality of the equipment possessed by the North Korean forces and that the leadership of the North Korean army was inspired by a fanaticism unequalled by those fighting for Syngman Rhee .
19 Its fundamental differences to the original Illustrator product were that it simplified the user interface both by the introduction of a freehand tool and the classification of anchor points into line , corner and curve types while simultaneously introducing the benefits of colour .
20 Compania de Telefonos de Chile SA 's $182.6m proposed convertible bond issue won ratings of triple-B-minus rating from Standard & Poor 's Corp , and Baa-3 from Moody 's Investors Service Inc ; Standard & Poor 's said its rating reflects the company 's dominant position in local telephone services , growth prospects , and favourable regulatory framework ; Moody 's that it believes the company will continue to be the largest telecommunications company in Chile and will benefit from a supportive regulator .
21 Legal aid is not available in any form for industrial tribunal hearings erm so what I usually say is that we assist the client up to the stage where s it means going er to the tribunal itself .
22 It its a big task , em er the thing is that I think that that the first point of call is one is that we get the questionnaire out and see whether you know the one where can we can the questionnaires to all the neighbourhood watch is it , w w we prepare the questionnaire and we get on and send it out , right .
23 So what I propose is that we put the notion of happiness back in its box and restrict ourselves to the word ‘ happy ’ , which people do in fact use in everyday circumstances .
24 The feeling is that we had the idea , which was the crucial element , and anybody could manufacture the product , but that is not true .
25 With children , the presupposition is that we take the responsibility until they show us that they want it ; with adults we assume that they take the responsibility unless they show us that they do n't .
26 The key is that we take the issue seriously .
27 God 's goal for every Christian is that we develop the character of Christ .
28 What is certainly important is that we maintain the support of our investors ( who in fact own the company ) and satisfy them that their investment objectives are being , or will be , achieved .
29 So as you said the danger is that it 's not balanced for our delegates and the ideal is that we want the combination of all four .
30 You see the thing is that we want the economy to pick up .
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