Example sentences of "be [not/n't] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Order , I am not in , I am not allowing anything outside the scope of the debate Mr Michael Spicer .
2 ‘ I am not saving it for the Tour de France .
3 I am not saying anything about the short or long-ball game , only what is right at the proper time .
4 Opposition forwards are not committing themselves to the ruck or maul .
5 ‘ Why they are not playing it on the Saturday , I do n't know .
6 A positive attitude is and important asset when it comes to maintaining a workout regime , and that comes with knowing that you are not pitting yourself against the impossible .
7 I think you can be much more relaxed about the way your child 's growing up if you 're not over-investing yourself in the way it grows up , if you follow me .
8 And they 're not getting them at the moment .
9 That is , when they 're not watching themselves in the mirrors , making sure that they are still up to the mark .
10 Erm you 're now you 're not doing anything at the moment , we we agreed it was resting .
11 You 're not doing it at the party ?
12 We 're not announcing anything about the team at present .
13 You 're not putting them in the car boot sale mum .
14 They 're not paying anything at the moment on laybys .
15 Well I 'm not buying anything at the moment but if you wan na have a look round .
16 I 'm not leaving you on the Moor by — yourself , so make up your mind which you prefer . "
17 well I , well that 's why I 'm not putting it to the vote
18 I 'm not putting it around the table , because it 's a very long letter , and I do n't think we could have a worthwhile discussion on it right now .
19 I 'm not keeping him on the hop , but I am making a joke of things .
20 ‘ I ca n't wait to get at it , but I 'm not saying anything about the ideas behind it 'cause people will be doing it before I get the chance . ’
21 ‘ Oh , I 'm not saying anything against the room — it 's just that she might prefer the privacy of a chalet — ’
22 I love Philip , he 's a dear , but I 'm not having her in the house . ’
23 and I 've we 've taken the the old settee down to Carrie 's and moved the two seater and the armchair down this end and they flew in tonight straight up on the sofa , I said to it 's gon na be tough for a week or so but they 've got ta get used to staying on the floor , I 'm not having them on the furniture all the time cos they just absolutely ruin it !
24 ‘ I 'm not doing it for the money , ’ said the new Bob .
25 Oh bugger me I 'm , there 's no way I 'm not doing it by the books
26 I 'm not patting myself on the back — it 's a highly competitive business and one needs selfish , single-minded dedication to succeed , but because female comics were rare in my day , competition was negligible , and I was able to be generous .
27 And they were not having anybody in the mine , with a watch , who could let people know exactly what the time was , and in other words , create a situation where the men might go home before they 'd completed this particular task .
28 The films used in this study were , however , relatively short and it was clear that subjects were not describing anything like the total amount of information that was available .
29 For instance the , the doctors in the hospitals had a lot of work because people rushed into jogging who were n't fit for it or were n't doing it with the right conditions .
30 And he could have , he could have , because , then we were importing about three quarters of our food from overseas , there was depression all the time in the thirties , and we were n't growing anything near the amount of food that we needed .
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