Example sentences of "be [not/n't] [adj] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 May own efforts at making custard , on what I think was called a Hydra Burner , may have been forgotten by those who subsequently had to eat the awful stuff , but I am not likely to forget the watery culinary disaster !
2 I am not prepared to condemn the various newspapers which have written about this subject in a responsible way .
3 If I am not able to visit the Western Isles in the near future , I shall certainly act on his suggestion that we should send a team of Scottish Office officials and that will be arranged as soon as is reasonably practicable .
4 The common belief that resources are not available to implement the necessary changes is a major obstacle to the development of a new service delivery pattern .
5 But many companies are not prepared to allow the necessary time , despite the fact that without the language in some countries it is impossible to operate .
6 On the other hand they are not prepared to countenance the complete free rein of market forces , since the dangers of monopoly are well known .
7 There are certain categories of excepted students who , although they do not have a relevant connection with the UK and Islands , are not liable to pay the overseas rates of fee .
8 There are certain categories of ‘ excepted student ’ who , although they do not have a ‘ relevant connection ’ with the UK and Islands , are not liable to pay the overseas rates of fee .
9 Others may limit your way so that no matter how promising your situation or how creative you can be with money , you are not free to make the most of it .
10 So Lindsay had two stallions to take home , and as two stallions are not likely to share the close proximity of a horse trailer without taking each other apart , and probably the horse trailer too , a crowd gathered to watch in expectation !
11 However the public is influenced by the wider allegations and Kitcher expresses concern that ‘ Those who have been beguiled into thinking that a high school course in evolutionary biology is the gateway to a life of violence and depravity are not likely to ponder the scientific credentials . ’
12 But , beyond general references to market forces and social ideologies , they are not inclined to analyse the structural features of a society that lends credence to gene myths .
13 Next , Peter Jenkins , the respected political commentator of The Sunday Times , writing on the possible impact of such men as Kenneth Baker and Kenneth Clarke brought into the Cabinet in the September 1985 reshuffle ( in alliance with existing Cabinet members such as Douglas Hurd and Norman Fowler ) : ‘ It is not easy to reassert Cabinet government in the face of determined prime ministerial power but the new Cabinet contains a group of capable and ambitious men of political middle age who are not eager to sacrifice the best years of their careers for the sake of someone else 's ‘ conviction politics ’ . ’
14 But although essential , these conditions are not sufficient to explain the full significance of such references .
15 Often students with babies or young children are not able to pay the full cost of a place at a crèche , so usually alternative funding is required .
16 Thoughtful people who are not able to buy the simplistic analysis are written off with contemptuous slogans like ‘ If you are n't part of the solution you are part of the problem ’ .
17 ‘ This equipment will prove very useful in testing premature babies we suspect might have hearing problems but who are not able to have the normal tests , ’ he said .
18 ‘ We are not afraid to ask the dumb questions on this show , ’ he proclaims .
19 I think there 's a lot of the co , er , the smaller companies feel that way , but the bigger companies have tried the smaller ones , and I think we , we 're not likely to lose the bigger ones as easy as lose the small ones .
20 We 're not likely to make the same mistakes again .
21 You see , sometimes you turn these over , it puts ideas into your head , you see you 're not supposed to see the next card .
22 Cos we 're not supposed to have the strong glues and it 's so much easier
23 First of all we 're not prepared to put the nine thousand back into the environment committee budget to er to save the cooperative development agency .
24 ‘ But let me make it clear we 're not prepared to train the current SAP . ’
25 They are n't likely to wear the same garment for six years , as Granny might do !
26 The police were not competent to enforce the civil provisions , which required that employers should do so .
27 The Air Staff were not slow to underline the Second World War 's lessons of air warfare : the need to win and to maintain air superiority by offensive air action .
28 In the engineering industry , for example , employers were unable completely to transform work relations towards deskilling and standardised mass production , mainly because they were not prepared to undertake the major capital investment which would have been required ( Zeitlin , 1983 ) .
29 Politicians were not prepared to risk the fragile social consensus by allowing troubled firms to go to the wall .
30 Western , in particular American , statesmen were not prepared to forgo the strategic benefits derived from bases and military facilities in the Gulf region while the Soviet Union retained a military presence in the peripheral countries of South Yemen ( PDRY ) , Ethiopia and Afghanistan .
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