Example sentences of "be [not/n't] [adj] for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , these contracts are not essential for the survival of European exchanges .
2 Additionally , some of the slides are of below-standard quality , and are not suitable for a reference collection .
3 You say that Hatchetfish are not suitable for a beginner , nor should they be sold to someone who is setting up an aquarium for the first time .
4 Glassfish are not suitable for a community tank in any case , as they are nervous fish and fussy feeders .
5 The accurate detection range of these methods is no more than 0.05 per cent , so they are not suitable for the determination of the trace elements of a coin 's alloy .
6 In order to qualify for alternative permitted hours , the club must fulfil the following conditions ( subss. ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) ) , viz. : ( a ) that the club premises are adapted and used by members and their guests for carrying on athletic sports or games ; ( b ) that at least one of the sports or games is carried on out of doors , and in daylight ( unless artificial light is used ) ; ( c ) that the premises are regularly used during winter and the hours of daylight for a sport specified in ( b ) ; ( a ) that the usual permitted hours are not suitable for the time at which the game or sport is usually played by members and their guests for the supply of liquor to those participating in the game .
7 ( 2 ) The conditions referred to in subsection ( 1 ) above are : ( a ) that the premises of the club are structurally adapted and bona ride used , or intended to be used , wholly or mainly for the purpose of providing facilities in connection with the carrying on by members of the club and their guests of athletic sports or athletic games ; ( b ) that one or more of such sports or games is or are usually carried on out of doors and , when so carried on , can ( unless artificial lighting is used ) only be carried on during hours of daylight ; ( c ) that the said premises are regularly used , or are intended regularly to be used , during the winter period , for providing facilities in connection with the carrying on by members of the club and their guests , during the hours of daylight , of such a sport or game as is mentioned in paragraph ( ii ) above ; ( d ) that having regard to the time at which the said sport or game is usually carried on by members of the club and their guests , the permitted hours set out in section 53(3) of this Act are not suitable for the supply of alcoholic liquor in the said premises to persons who participate in that sport or game .
8 Where invert levels are not suitable for the site to be drained by gravity , the additional cost of a rising main and pumps will need to be quantified .
9 The immediate prospects are not promising for the child , at least in so far as primary schools are concerned .
10 You are not ready for the nose-in hover at this stage , so some other remedy is required .
11 Hand boring competitions are still held in Cornwall and elsewhere , and remarkable penetration rates have been achieved — depths of up to 13 inches in 6 minutes are not unknown for a team of two strikers and one drill turner .
12 Perseverance with the drifter , even when conditions are not ideal for the method , often pays dividends .
13 And I think in some hospitals they 're not keen for the midwife and mother to know each other personally .
14 If anything if if it does You see again and then you see if you 're out of a job you see you if you happen to be out of a job then you 're not eligible for a pension policy .
15 Dustin replied , ‘ I 'm not right for the part physically . ’
16 ‘ Marriage is a great institution , but I 'm not ready for an institution yet . ’
17 ‘ I 'm not ready for the knacker 's just yet . ’
18 Overall during last year , this is to the end of , of November actually because fin figures are n't available for the end of the year , the reduction was four point nine percent , which compares with four point three percent in the previous year , so not only are they still going down , they 're actually going down slightly more than they were in the previous year and that must be encouraging .
19 No , what I 'm saying is erm that having looked at each individual case that I 've sometimes felt frustrated about , I 've been glad that they are n't larger for the sake of coming down to human rights .
20 Are there ideas which were not right for the time but which could be revived and used , ow ?
21 My men , whom I had instructed to keep close together and sing from the time they left the camp until they joined me on the forest road , were not due for an hour and a half , and during this time it was more than likely that the tigress would break cover and try to stalk or rush me .
22 Prices were not good for the tup sales .
23 Film chiefs thought Kylie uttering such abandoned words were not suitable for a clip to advertise the film at British cinemas under a ‘ PG ’ — Parental Guidance — certificate .
24 Fuller argued that court proceedings and the judicial process ( ‘ adjudication ’ ) were not suitable for the resolution of polycentric issues and disputes .
25 It appears that previous senior management were not suitable for an establishment with such a high turn-over .
26 Bequests of this nature were not uncommon for the maintenance of the light in other churches around Kent , including gifts of land , sheep , cows , corn and wax .
27 While the Danzig Poles were not keen for the city to come under Polish rule , they were nevertheless determined that they should not be penalised for being Polish , and in their own way they were proud of their identity — even if it did not quite amount to ‘ nationality ’ in a conventional sense .
28 Firstly , the groups studied were not homogeneous for the location of the disease .
29 He noticed that their tickets were not eligible for the journey .
30 All that shows beyond reasonable doubt that eggs were not responsible for the increase in food poisoning , which has gone up 36 per cent this year , despite an overall 24 per cent drop in egg consumption and the 700,000 birds slaughtered .
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