Example sentences of "be [v-ing] back [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had been walking back along the track , head bent , deep in thought .
2 Since the death of Tito in 1980 , and with the growing economic crisis , which is felt by Serbians to have particularly affected them ( although there is , in fact , little evidence that Serbia 's relative position has fallen in comparison with Yugoslavia as a whole ) , a growing number of Serb intellectuals have been looking back over the past and asking themselves whether Serbia was discriminated against under ‘ Titoist ’ rule .
3 As fish are sinking back through the surface , other fish will be appearing through it , so that there is constant activity .
4 As you will have noticed , the strategies we have reviewed have been operating back along the stress cycle ( as shown in Figure 1 on page 70 ) at points nearer and nearer the source .
5 Love-making 's not easy when you 're driving back from an evening meeting in Cheltenham to reach London by 1.30am and you both have to be up early for work the next day . ’
6 Do you think you could look into trying to , when we 're going back on the information , sending an individual fax for each case ?
7 Next time , we 're going back with a record player and a Thin Lizzy record , we 're going to plug it in and when he asks what the hell we 're doing , we 'll say , ‘ Just listening to that Les Paul on the wall there ! ' ’
8 We 're going back to a kind of rating system with the different assessment on valuations
9 ‘ You 've found us , we 're going back to the quarry , everything 's all right , ’ he said soothingly .
10 ‘ You 're going back to the road , sir ? ’
11 ‘ We 're going back to the wireless room .
12 you 're going where ? , you 're going back to the moon , oh have you co , have you come back from the moon now ?
13 you 're going back to the moon ?
14 We 're going back to the woodblock flooring .
15 ‘ We 're going back to the boat , ’ he said tersely .
16 " We 're going back by the beach , " Kate said .
17 and she said that 's just not the way it 's done , so she she saying to him now , if you da if you wet yourself once more you 're going back in a nappy .
18 Oh you 're getting back to the privet hedge and suburbia are n't you ?
19 ‘ We 're moving back to the Front .
20 It 's like the twilight zone , as if you 're travelling back to the depression of the 1930s .
21 It 's like the twilight zone , as if you 're travelling back to the depression of the 1930s .
22 And they 're not coming back for their education ; they 're coming back for the support that Arbour gives them , so they may spend more time with Monica in the nursery looking after the baby and gradually they 'll move back into the classroom in their own time and get back to their exams .
23 But meanwhile many Japanese eyes are turning back to the root cause : policy co-ordination and America .
24 Burned by their experience of the volatility of the capital markets , many leading banks such as Bank of America and Lloyds are pulling back from the periphery of their systems to defend their home bases .
25 Perhaps we are heading back in a full-circle towards the days of Victorian philanthropy — Back towards the days before state provision when organisations like Barnardos , the Salvation Army and the C.O.S. were the dominant providers .
26 PHYSICS lecturers are going back to the nursery to teach toddlers in the water tub while admissions tutors consider the merits of palm-reading and astrology for selecting students at Newcastle Polytechnic .
27 THE enthusiastic housekeeper will no doubt be pleased to hear that the carpet retailers are going back to the twist .
28 It 's just as well they are going back inside the lavatory .
29 De Klerk said his visit showed South Africa and the world that " we are moving back to the fold " .
30 The arrows in the drawing are moving back from the boundary of the information field to the centre .
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