Example sentences of "be [v-ing] him [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Speaking crossly and rudely although Carrie had only been stewing indoors because she had been helping him in the shop !
2 Detectives have been hunting him since the discovery of a bomb factory in a London flat shortly before last Christmas .
3 I wonder if they 're keeping him in the morgue , by the way ?
4 They wo n't take any notice of us , Baptiste said : the ambulance is round the front , I saw it , and they 're carrying him into the downstairs bit .
5 We 'd been feeding him from the hand like , oh .
6 Dunwoody had in the past won on Norton 's Coin and would have been riding him in the Gold Cup had Desert Orchid been absent .
7 It er we are expecting him for the course on that date .
8 Even Radio 1 are tipping him as the favourite !
9 Now Becky Blandford , although separated from her husband has been defending him on the daytime television programme , This morning .
10 The answer had been staring him in the face .
11 ‘ He can operate as a defender , a sweeper or a midfielder , and I 'll be using him in the midfield role .
12 I 'll be seeing him before the match .
13 Some deep throbbing vibration seemed to be keeping him in the air , and his limbs ached .
14 In fact , ’ she added , driven by an unholy desire to be perverse , ‘ I shall be meeting him after the boat ride .
15 So I 'm kicking him under the table !
16 Mrs Prentice , had to wait until 2.20am before she knew that she would be joining him in the House , ousting Tory Energy Minister Colin Moynihan , in the process .
17 I could be putting him on the spot .
18 I shall be watching him on the television . ’
19 But he might not always meet her calling or her waiting , for men , too , were bidding him to the sound of axe and plough and sword . ’
20 We were escorting him to the door when there was a loud explosion at the side of the house .
21 But examples of this kind were pointing him in the direction he wanted to go .
22 He felt as if Simon were lifting him by the collar and dangling him so that his feet were off the earth and his toes straining to reach something .
23 Indeed one might argue that talk of Jesus as our ‘ brother ’ , emphasizing his humanity , makes Jesus more intrusively male than if one were casting him in the role of the cosmic Christ .
24 Yeah i well he 's just distressed cos I think Gill 's phoning him in the morning and she said she 'd give him a lift to the hospital .
25 Len was thumping him on the arm now with his fist .
26 Ten miles away on that December evening , Walter Schellenberg lit a cigarette in the back of the Mercedes which was speeding him towards the castle .
27 And then the music was drawing him into the fire and the light , and he could see the massive shape of the Chariot limned against the forest now , bathed in its own radiance , hung with silk , lined with satin …
28 She was pursuing him like the Fury pursuing the crime .
29 Dyson swung the wheel to the left , then swung it sharply to the right again to avoid a lorry which was overtaking him on the inside .
30 Jean was pulling him by the hand towards the dance .
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