Example sentences of "be [v-ing] at [art] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Thus Castro was in dire need of a Soviet commitment to preserve his revolution , and in a speech given to the United Nations on 26 September 1960 the Cuban leader may have been hinting at the price he might have been willing to pay when he said , ‘ We understand how terrible the subordination of the economy and life in general of nations to foreign economic power is .
2 As the charity Oxfam moves into its fiftieth year , Central News South has been looking at the work it does away from the headlines of war and natural disaster .
3 I 've been up for a bath and we 've been looking at the room I shall occupy .
4 You are looking at a woman who has survived Europe , South America and East Africa — entirely without a maid .
5 ‘ Now the Civil servants are looking at the things we put forward before Christmas which they dismissed .
6 ‘ When people vote on the day , they are looking at the party who will form the government , and in this part of the country they do not want socialism , ’ said Mr Peter Hodgson , the Conservatives ' Western Area chairman , who was confident the Conservatives would retain all their seats .
7 Now the planning application is for Waste Regulation rests with this Authority and I would emphasise that to members here that wh if you 're looking at the sites you must bear in mind that we are the waste Site Planning Application Authority and that you can not go and make progress in any direction without it coming to Committee here and I would hope that officers would bear in mind the sensitivity which has already been mentioned in agenda today but members will find that these applications er are addressed in their own district , in their own divisions .
8 So you got a cell that 's not got any entry in it , is not formatted , so you 're looking at the panel you can see that there 's no , nothing in the parenthesis , and there 's no U. So if you copy a blank cell , over what you want to erase .
9 So so in a way , they 're looking at the levels we 're at now is an accurate level using a high price item .
10 So we 're looking at the amount we take out of her plan each month to cover for life cover .
11 Next you have to decide when to enter the date and time information — do you want to use the spreadsheet like a time clock where you record what you are doing at the time you do it or will you use it to maintain a post-hoc record and enter dates and times in batches .
12 We are saying at the liturgy we come into God 's presence , we speak with him , offer him our thanks and praise , open our hearts to him especially in our darkest moments and he speaks to us of his love and grace .
13 I think you 're only talking about redundancies if we ca n't erm take some short term work from elsewhere , er as opposed to , I mean , I 'm suggesting at the moment we take stock a longer time
14 He could be looking at a device which at any moment could be activated by a radio-operated switch .
15 Ultimately the origins of the division within the population in Dunrossness lie in the interaction between Shetland , ‘ the oil ’ , and national or international political/economic processes : for the purposes of this paper , however , I will be looking at the factors which are in a sense ‘ internal ’ to Shetland in general , and Dunrossness in particular .
16 ‘ Obviously we will be looking at the sports which proved so popular last time , but we will also be looking to see if there is scope for more specialised activities such as water sports and outdoor pursuits . ’
17 Ah right oh no I 'm panicking at the fuss It 's just some joker walking round setting them all off !
18 He said , ‘ I 'm reeling at the way you 're shouldering my prejudices aside . ’
19 ‘ If we had been sitting at the bottom I could accept my fate , but we are seventh and have lost only one of the last eight games . ’
20 We were looking at a plant which was a little like cow parsley but smaller , its leaves more feathery .
21 Erm we approached the first project we were looking at the information we had available er , looking at the strength of the work a lot of information As you can see the er and , and looking at the er a definite lack of
22 Two masons who were chiselling at the finials which Flemyng had ordered for the gables would stop their clinking from time to time to confirm something that one or other had said .
23 Thorndyke took pictures of what the cats were doing at the time they escaped .
24 Sometimes there are the most startling surprises when we come to realise how someone else is looking at a situation which , to us , could only be perceived in one way .
25 And that 's going at the bottom we 're saying there right ?
26 Difficult to see which way the wind is blowing at the moment it 's quite swirling .
27 But the way Brian Harley is playing at the moment he must have been hoping to double that at least . ’
28 Arghatun was shouting at the warriors who were grouped around the clearing , and twenty or so ran at once to one of the carts and pulled out a mass of folded fabric .
29 The whole of the way through that he was looking at the person he was trying to im not staring at them , but good eye contact , so if you 're trying to influence somebody there 's no point in looking somewhere else .
30 Rory worked out she was looking at the door he was crouched behind .
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