Example sentences of "be [to-vb] them [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The only plausible way historically to guarantee the authority of such rights has been to see them as the issue of a divine law-giver .
2 An alternative explanation for price rises , for example , has been to relate them to the amount of money in circulation or the bullion value of the coinage .
3 It seems , however , always to have been associated by those who employed it with the idea that Britain 's historic policy towards its dependencies had been to lead them along the path towards self-government — a belief which had for its principal inspiration the history of Canada since the Durham report .
4 All you would have to do would be to lead them to the smugglers ' rendezvous and supervise the action . ’
5 The best precaution would be to deposit them with the bank .
6 Given the shortage of good creative talent , this is not that unusual , and if you find that your agency is using freelances , your immediate reaction should not be to fire them on the spot : give them credit for both knowing their own limitations and for buying good work from outside , always assuming that it is good ; but press them to get a permanent team working on your account soon — it is not in your interest to lose continuity of creative work on your account . )
7 The best solution may be to leave them with the society .
8 I believe that we would get on better with our men ; we would have less friction and less legislation if we were to meet them round the table and discuss mutual affairs with them in a suitable manner .
9 Then , scientists were to puncture them in the leg with a large hypodermic to extract a sample of muscle tissue .
10 Copies were to be sent to all sheriffs , who were to publish them to the people ; others were to be kept in all cathedral churches and read twice a year .
11 Now all they have time to do when they 're working on the site is to put them in the trays and wash them .
12 The wholesaler 's only sanction against non-cooperating members is to expel them from the group , whereas in the case of the variety multiples a recalcitrant manager can be quickly removed .
13 One way is to crawl up the staircase of preferment on your belly ; the other way is to kick them in the teeth .
14 According to Jensen , the most effective way of disposing of the chemicals is to spray them over the land according to the manufacturer 's directions , allowing them to be broken down by the sun and weather .
15 The railways are now in division three and the government 's plan is to take them into the non-league .
16 All I can do is to tell them of the number and variety involved , and point them to some background reading .
17 Perhaps the most important point to be made about postverbals is to distinguish them from the adjectives in the last remaining position , the extraclausal adjectives , which occur in an identical sequence of syntactic elements , but which correspond to a different surface structure as in : ( 45 ) the two reformers persevered undaunted two stagehands appeared , breathless They have the different intensional structure :
18 Does it really matter that those were early days , when the joke on campus was that the only way to kill anyone with a laser was to hit them over the head with it ?
19 The aim was to put them on the spot — or at least to impress the Inspector with your knowledge and concern .
20 My first thought was to put them in the dustbin .
21 The key to impressing Mum and Auntie Jean , and the best way to keep their tongues off the risible subject of my loin-cloth , which inevitably had them quaking with laughter , was to introduce them to the actors afterwards , telling them which sit-coms and police programmes they 'd seen them in .
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