Example sentences of "be [to-vb] that the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Much of this could be as plausibly argued today as thirty or more years ago : the extraordinary achievement of the public relations advisers who replaced the ‘ ludicrous courtiers ’ has been to ensure that the royal family do still have it both ways .
2 it does n't who 's responsibility would it be to see that the old brochures were withdrawn and the new brochures were put on in there place ?
3 A cruel generalisation , but probably justified , would be to suggest that the large majority of curricula in Africa are designed for an ideal situation — namely a uniform six-year-old entry , relatively homogeneous in age and culture , equal in sex and of average size ( say 30–45 in a class ) who attend regularly , repeat seldom and complete their primary course .
4 Its main task would be to ensure that the environmental impact of military activities were kept to a minimum .
5 In the search for that stability , Britain 's role should be to ensure that the European Community becomes the vehicle with which to channel aid into the East in terms of commitment to training , new technology , transport improvements and preferential commercial arrangements .
6 On the question of democracy in the republic of South Africa , does the right hon. Lady agree that our objective should be to ensure that the white electorate fully appreciates that South Africa will face unprecedented international isolation should there be a ’ No ’ vote in this month 's referendum ?
7 The purpose of such an approach would be to demonstrate that the second language has the same potential for use as the first language , encourage learners to draw on their own experience of language by applying familiar procedures to the interpretation of second language use , and so to teach the second language system not as an end in itself but as a resource for the achievement of meaning .
8 Another way of putting this would be to say that the perspectival appearance of an object at a point of view is a function of the object 's real figure , its inclination relative to the point of view , and its distance from the point of view , and is a function of nothing else .
9 In effect this was a period of withdrawal from a rigidly structured police world to a world turned upside down ; where , in a ‘ counter-cultural ’ way , we were to find that the strict terms of reference we had carefully built up over the years no longer seemed to have relevance .
10 Its initial tasks , however , were to ensure that the pioneering work already carried out by the NAS&FU in organising continental branches was consolidated into indigenous unions and to develop European solidarity to a point at which common strike action would be feasible .
11 Events were to show that the persuasive power of force was not lasting and that some parts of the Habsburg lands were still able to defend their privileges effectively .
12 Those of us who have fought those of us who have fought still have one job we can do and that is to see that the military capability of the United States is such that no potential aggressor will ever dare attack us .
13 The other alternative is to claim that the very constitution of individuals as intentional subjects serves to legitimate capitalist modes of production , for only if individuals perceive themselves as free agents will these alienating arrangements seem tolerable .
14 If that sounded a bit like the result of an army medical board it was appropriate enough : the chief purpose of this year 's conference is to signal that the Labour Party is ready once more for active service .
15 The reason for this somewhat laboured refutation of the concession theory is to emphasise that the social enterprise concept does not in any way depend upon it .
16 This is to acknowledge that the representational forms themselves are conveyers of messages but are not innocent of the struggle .
17 My advice is to remember that the short story is about one thing and one thing only , which often reveals itself in a single situation .
18 In which case I would see that the sensible thing to do , which is what we have done , is to assume that the current vacancy rate stays the same as a percentage and that with a larger dwelling stock , results in some additional vacant dwellings .
19 One possible response is to deny that the purported differences apply to all women , or to all situations .
20 Tempting though it is to believe that the top-priced grands vins must be the biggest bargains of all , the opposite is in fact the case .
21 A sensible theorist 's approach is to hope that the fat neutrino goes away .
22 Your main safeguard is to ensure that the remaining rabbits can not escape back into the burrow system .
23 The function of the line is to ensure that the male animal is fully under your control .
24 One of the arts of the parent , the teacher , and the librarian is to ensure that the right book is in the right hands at the right moment .
25 Thus the final step is to ensure that the appropriate paperwork is available and correctly completed .
26 But what they can do is to ensure that the additional factors of instability , caused by the economic hardship produced by the moves to a market economy , are kept to a minimum .
27 Jack is in overall charge of the LDP sales company and the reason for that is to ensure that the same standards and disciplines of product development , point of sale and , most important , profitability are applied to LDP as to Stoddard Templeton .
28 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the best and most subtle way to prevent such attacks is to ensure that the British people know that they have a Government who are taking the steps necessary to keep firm control of immigration and particularly to prevent people from abusing our immigration rules by entering this country under the bogus concept of being political refugees ?
29 If the present division is regarded as desirable , the next step is to ensure that the maximum penalty for the lesser offence is sufficient to deal with cases of serious threats which are not enough to negative consent in rape .
30 The net effect of these injunctions ( as well as others we shall meet later ) is to ensure that the natural inability of human beings to respond ‘ perfectly ’ to all situations , however demanding or paradoxical , is construed by those human beings as clear evidence of personal inadequacy : they lack the ability , resilience or ready-made savoir-faire that they somehow ought to have , in limitless supply , if they are to be able to look themselves in the eye in the bathroom mirror each morning .
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