Example sentences of "be [to-vb] [adv prt] from [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But it has reached the stage where Group 4 have now ‘ lost ’ Sir Norman ’ — Labour 's Frank Dobson on the announcement that the Tory chairman is to stand down from the board of Group 4 .
2 His favourite custom is to loom out from the wayside and startle travellers .
3 It does n't really matter if you succeed in catching the opponent 's foot or not : the main objective is to move out from the opponent 's centre-line while turning to face him .
4 In terms of short-term economic measures , the main thrust of government policy was to drain off from the economy excess money which was fuelling inflation , contributing to constant shortages and frustrating efforts at economic control .
5 One of Beecher 's favourite oratorical gimmicks , which he used to great effect in England , was to lean down from the dais to tell a humorous story but only audible to the front row .
6 Our mission was to take back from the Boche those few miles of battered ground that we 'd bought with half a million lives in those Battles of the Somme , two years before .
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