Example sentences of "be [num] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 These laws have been in force for hundreds of years — and they 're one of the things that are going to disappear in 1992 , at least in Germany .
2 Hitchhiking across Czechoslovakia during a snowstorm , wearing a hot pink Luhta skisuit , has to be one of the memories that will remain with me forever .
3 On the other hand , for all I know , it may be one of the compensations or rationalisations for giving yourself short breath , a cough and a foul mouth and for making things unpleasant for other people .
4 That must be one of the ducks that 's that 's half white and half domestic duck and half mallard .
5 He added : ‘ It is clear the North-East is well set to lead the country out of recession and the UK , I believe , will be one of the countries that leads the world out of the recession . ’
6 So but that might be one of the things that you need to look at I mean once sh she may have dif because of the difficulties in communicating with other staff and
7 Sorry , I should explain to the committee that I was informed that the secretary who normally does the minutes for the half past one was sick , and had , she 'd been sent home by her doctor at lunch time , so I came back from lunch and had to come straight into committee , and I do apologize if I have missed bits of paper or whatever , I 've gathered up everything I could , but that might well be one of the things that I 've left behind .
8 Our studies suggest that the arrival of bile salts in the ileum may be one of the factors that stimulate the postprandial release of PYY , although the peptide does not seem to inhibit motility locally .
9 They do n't assume it could be one of the factors that leads to the higher , I mean all these things , they do n't actually say what cause the differential is to them .
10 It was this proprietorial attitude that was later to be one of the elements that would alienate Anne , who wanted to pursue her own career in parallel with her husband 's .
11 Teachers do not , as a breed , read or talk much about education and this presumably reflects the general feeling that ‘ something 's got to go ’ , and that concern with ideas and ideals seems to be one of the areas that is dispensable .
12 It , it came or it or it would be one of the depressions that the town has suffered from many times during the last fifty or sixty years .
13 Even though he was n't a poker player , he tried to be one of the guys and belong to the group .
14 Right , now let's do a bit of hot seating hey , where one of you will sit on a chair and pretend to be one of the characters and then the others will ask a question .
15 Before the examination , one of the commissioners told me that I would not be one of the winners because the positions had already been assigned to others who were , for the most part , assistants to the various commission members .
16 That will be one of the mainstays and pillars of the council tax .
17 Wheat has been found by allergy experts to be one of the foods that are most likely to cause a reaction in the body .
18 Might this , one wonders , be one of the names that Albert Gunther so helpfully supplied Gould with over a chop at the British Museum ?
19 Generalized versions of Abel 's integral equation are required because f' ( u ) and g' ( v ) are zero on the boundaries and respectively .
20 BEARSKIN AIRLINES are one of the operators that fly into Red Lake airport .
21 ‘ Uniforms are one of the things that create barriers and being in mufti will help nursing staff to be identified as individuals by patients . ’
22 Fraud has been one of the problems that the factors/invoice discounters have had to tackle during the recession .
23 He does not greatly care for the dark purplish bathroom suite ( ‘ Damson ’ , the estate agent 's brochure had called the shade ) but it had been one of the things that attracted Marjorie when they bought the house two years ago — the bathroom , with its kidney-shaped handbasin and goldplated taps and sunken bath and streamlined loo and bidet .
24 As we shall see later , they have been one of the factors that have helped to tip the economic balance firmly against the nuclear option .
25 The problem of deliberate self-poisoning and self-injury has placed enormous pressure on the stiff ( physicians , nurses , psychiatrists ) and services ( casualty and emergency departments , medical admission units , psychiatric and social work departments ) involved in the care of patients who take overdoses or injure themselves , and this has been one of the factors that has promoted a re-examination of previously accepted policies for the management of attempted suicide patients .
26 This dilemma may well have been one of the factors that precipitated his eventual madness , which began in 1802 : that possibility adequately suggests the existential seriousness of the Greek ideal for the German writers under its spell .
27 Her brother-in-law , Alan Harker senior , has been one of the makers and main carrier for many years .
28 In modern Britain sport has been one of the ways that men have kept themselves apart , defined their own territory , and indulged their enthusiasms .
29 ‘ It was just that you seemed so interested in my being one of the survivors that I got quite the wrong initial impression . ’
30 Today , having given up smoking about twenty years ago , I find it unbelievable that I should have smoked as many as ten cigarettes a day ; but they were one of the things that helped to create a bond with Dana , something we could share .
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