Example sentences of "be [adv] go [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We 're now going to see how the carriage can do non-selective slip ( that is where ALL the needles slip ) , and in a DIRECTIONAL way — when the carriage SLIPS one way and KNITS the other .
2 Do you think that we 're actually going to pay out the sum assured ?
3 I 'm now going to read out a number of interests .
4 It 's just going to take rather a long time making them admit it . ’
5 After all , ’ she said simply , ‘ it 's all Stephen has , and he 's never going to excavate it , not really , nobody 's ever going to put up the money .
6 Unless the bank see new management , Virginia , the company your grandparents established is rapidly going to go down the pan — ’
7 The commission is now going to set up a special working group to look at the problem .
8 erm a couple of weeks ago two came in and I said ‘ Oh , I was just going to lock up the screen ’ .
9 I was just going to wash up the kettle when you came in .
10 Miranda was just going to climb up the Magician 's leg , when she heard a deep voice say , ‘ What are you doing in Puddle Lane ?
11 Nothing was ever going to wipe out the memory of tonight .
12 I still kept the idea of being a lawyer through studying at night school , but , after a short while I decided I was really going to follow up a boxing career .
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