Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv prt] [prep] the question " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sorry to say all hopes of a tranquil day are totally out of the question .
2 Medical examination of each child would then be almost out of the question ’ .
3 And Breeze 's heart sank still lower as she reflected that if they were really penniless , an artistic career with its inevitable ups and downs would be quite out of the question .
4 To defy convention , surrender her virginity , to a man she neither loved nor desired must be quite out of the question .
5 Apartment rents in most major cities in the US are astronomical , and hotel costs are virtually out of the question .
6 Rest days from Ullapool were really out of the question so we either had to take the ship on the long sea passage to Aberdeen or down to Ardrossan .
7 Air lifts were now out of the question , but trains were still a practical proposition — as Chadwick discovered when he came to deal with the Nazi official in charge of emigration .
8 In the large majority of cases a straightforward mathematical solution is just out of the question .
9 The language barrier means that real interaction with the indigenous population is largely out of the question .
10 In practice it is always out of the question : there is always a residuum of unpredictability .
11 It is totally out of the question . ’
12 ‘ Well , ’ said Michael , ‘ I guess dessert is probably out of the question , too . ’
13 Home care is really out of the question now , and another period in hospital is not good for this patient 's emotional well-being ! ’
14 Unusually for me , I saw a few paintings and so on which I thought were lovely , but of course purchase is quite out of the question — and anyway we have no wall space left here !
15 The Evesham Laboratory was set up to serve growers in the Vale of Evesham and it 's been taken away and Wolverhampton is quite out of the question .
16 It 's completely out of the question . ’
17 It is therefore out of the question to write any but very slow passages in harmonics for the harp .
18 Nevertheless , whilst a joint campaign with the Communist Party and other political organizations was entirely out of the question , the Labour leadership felt compelled to adjust its policy with regard to Spain .
19 Uncritical adherence was clearly out of the question by 1868 , as appears from various sober notes on the logical problems that he saw in Schopenhauer 's system .
20 Since Dornie was now out of the question , I went on to the Kintail Lodge Hotel , where I was admitted and taken up to a single room which , mercifully , was furnished with an electric fire .
21 The short pole was now out of the question so it was out on the long pole .
22 Flying back from Algeria , he confided to Louis Terrenoire that the idea of finding a non-FLN third force with whom to strike a deal was now out of the question .
23 For the adoring public which flocked to Cheltenham to pay him homage ( the official attendance was 56,884 ) , defeat was simply out of the question .
24 The prospect of a heterosexual involvement on any level was simply out of the question for me .
25 Jenny begged him every day to change his mind , but he was a busy man and declared that it was quite out of the question and he wished to goodness Miss Clinton had never mentioned the subject of Brownies !
26 ‘ I told him that whilst he was dating my own sister it was quite out of the question .
27 In the working class , though the stigma might be less , the difficulties were even greater and divorce was quite out of the question for most .
28 Jansher won the remaining points in one hand , but the rallies were so keen and furious that another dramatic twist of fortunes was never out of the question .
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