Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] [prep] this time " in BNC.

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1 The nature of Burne-Jones 's aims and predilections in art are well-enough known by this time , and have been defined by himself absolutely fitted to this thought : ‘ I mean by a picture a beautiful romantic dream of something that never was , never will be — in a light better than any light that ever shone — in a land no one can define or remember , only desire . ’
2 The Professional , Bert Skoyles , and the Caddie Master , Tommy Gould , are both remembered at this time by former caddie , Charles Robins ( born 1905 ) , father of present member Maurice .
3 As most of the SO 2 cloud is converted to sulphate by September , the perturbations of the photochemical balance of O 3 are substantially reduced at this time compared with July ; O 3 production through cycle I now represents less than 10% of the O 3 production in the mid-stratosphere ( Fig. 2 b ) , and oxygen photolysis is reduced only by about 10% in the lower stratosphere ( Fig. 3 b ) .
4 The contractors have been requested to maintain safe routes of access to the Library throughout the contract , but your co-operation and forbearance would be much appreciated during this time .
5 Commissions of oyer et terminer for Forest pleas were rarely issued at this time .
6 Jean Harlow , alias the teenager Harlean Carpenter from Kansas City , was doing all she could to pull Hollywood out of the slump but in general the more respectable critics were more prepared at this time to hand the plaudits to the male actors , who were seen very much as the cutting edge of the new realism .
7 Bridges were also fortified at this time and the Monnow Bridge in the Welsh border region is a survivor ( 481 ) .
8 The remaining 17% occurred over the 10 seconds preceding the onset of the common cavity episode , being evenly distributed through this time .
9 He is socially isolated during this time .
10 The gaping division between the settled , Christian , treaty Nez Perce , and the ‘ heathen ’ , non-treaty faction was further widened at this time by the appearance of the Dreamer religion , introduced by a hunch-backed Wanapum holy man named Smohalla .
11 St. Martin 's was rebuilt over twenty years after the sack , which implies there was no extensive damage to its structure , and although All Saints ' was also rebuilt at this time , a great deal of its thirteenth-century architecture survived .
12 The Northern People 's Congress ( NPC ) led by a schoolteacher , Tafawa Balewa , and backed by the northern Emirates , was also founded at this time , early enough to fight elections held in 1952 .
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