Example sentences of "be [adv] [adj] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On average , the people who are most likely to opt for health insurance are those who know themselves to be relatively unhealthy .
2 Again , these problems are most likely to arise in puppyhood .
3 Caterers are most likely to come into contact with industrial tribunals if one of their past or present employees refers a matter to the tribunal with regard to his or her contract of employment .
4 The most extensive area of discretion , however , is that with which we are most likely to come into contact : police officers on the beat .
5 Delicious dates come from the Middle East , and are especially easy to obtain at Christmas time .
6 L. Stettner quotes Sachs : She quotes also from other studies to show that these co-operatives are better able to survive under adversity than are conventionally organised plywood manufacturing firms , and why : in a phrase , higher productivity , so much higher as to result in some cases in value added per labour-hour of more than twice that of those firms .
7 There is certainly some evidence that people who drink one or two units a day are less likely to die of heart disease than people who drink no alcohol at all .
8 The most modified milks are the whey-based formulas such as SMA Gold Cap , Aptamil , Osterfeed and Cow & Gate Premium and these are less likely to lead to allergy .
9 Second , it gives our staff excellent experience to go abroad and broaden their horizons … people are less likely to complain about working conditions here when they 've seen with their own eyes what conditions are like abroad .
10 But they are less likely to benefit from family living close by to support them .
11 You will not only lose weight and have greater vitality , you will also find that you are able to think more dearly and are less likely to suffer from stress .
12 This is in spite of the emerging medical consensus that people who drink up to four drinks or so a day live longer and are less likely to suffer from heart disease than either abstainers or heavy drinkers .
13 Active , occupied children are less likely to get into trouble .
14 There have been few studies of office automation applications , but projections about specific skill requirements are extremely difficult to make at present because it is as yet quite unclear how office automation will be used .
15 What I find so extraordinary is that Opposition Members are so keen to place with trade unions abroad so much of the authority on labour law matters that resides in this House .
16 This is also the reason why road accidents are so difficult to approach by training , safety on the road is much more to do with attitudes than with driving skill ( Parry , 1968 ) .
17 Investors are so willing to believe in recovery around the corner that they will clutch at false hopes almost indefinitely .
18 It was suggested in Chapter Four that people who possessed three specific characteristics would have been highly unlikely to remain at home for any length of time .
19 Quadrant NPVs are only those related to investment in increased market share )
20 Agricultural products for this purpose are only those listed in Annex II of the Treaty of Rome .
21 She was n't even sure why she 'd been so reluctant to come into contact with him .
22 The Ring of Scotland for his part undertook to pay the Ring of England £20,000 over three years in three instalments , a concession which Mortimer and Isabella must have been especially anxious to procure in view of their financial difficulties , and which Bruce hoped perhaps would sweeten the agreement for the English .
23 The reasons for this are largely practical relating to Tax regulations rather than the underlying theoretical debate about the way in which by adjusting the owners salary the performance measure can be manipulated .
24 Because most patients who inflict serious self-injuries are suffering from psychiatric disorders and are usually at high risk of making another attempt , the principles of management are largely those described in Chapter 7 where psychiatric inpatient care was considered .
25 Large lexicons are generally unable to reside in main-memory and the required information must be retrieved from disk .
26 These patients are generally those infected with drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis or patients with severe disease that has been partially treated ( due to poor compliance or intermittent treatment overseas ) in whom the results of tests of bacterial susceptibility are not yet available .
27 ‘ Countries such as Hungary , Poland , Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria are already able to apply for observer status before becoming , in due course , parties to the Pharmacopoeia Corporation ’ .
28 Corpus-based systems are easily able to deal with punctuation .
29 It 's when they 're most likely to fall in love , once and for ever .
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