Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] by [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 properly will depend on either the specific instructions given to him or arguments about the implied duties of an expert conducting a reference : for three possible examples , see 14.8 , 14.9 and 14.10. a breach of the implied duty under s14 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 , unless there is a specific time provision or the duty has been expressly excluded by agreement with the parties .
2 In fact , pay-scales are mostly fixed by reference to other jobs in their sector rather than the rest of the art world , let alone in industry or the professions .
3 However the balance has been somewhat redressed by recruitment to the BA courses and by in-service courses for qualified teachers which in 1982 raised its student numbers to about 385 .
4 But would n't cricket have been better served by frankness from the outset and an early investigation of suspicions concerning Pakistan ?
5 I shall argue below , in connection with Dennett and Sloman , that our commonsense intuitions about the unity of consciousness are better preserved by analogy with program level than with program module .
6 In each of these appeals it has been rightly accepted by counsel for the contemnor that the hearing below of the committal application was impeccable , that the sentence imposed for the contempts of court found proved can not be criticised and the committal order properly specified each of the contempts for which the contemnor had been sentenced .
7 These life-sustaining ingredients can be applied directly to the vine by man , indeed are so applied by man in commercial viticulture , yet according to Mike Woodhead , the owner of ‘ Le Bonheur ’ in South Africa , it is possible to effect a permanently natural and desirable nutrient cycle in soils considered inferior by some .
8 The staircase was ornamented at intervals with classical figures , chastely draped , and there was still a sweet primness in the graceful propriety of their attitudes though some were lacking a hand or an arm and others had had their noses rot away or even been entirely decapitated by exposure to the elements , and all were soot-stained and weather-beaten .
9 When employees receive benefits from the trust , these are unarguably acquired by virtue of employment and give rise to a Schedule E income tax charge , unless they are granted options structured so as to avoid a Schedule E charge on grant ( see s135 Taxes Act ) .
10 Under a contract of sale , these rules are reflected by the rule that damages for non-delivery or non-acceptance are normally assessed by reference to the market price rule ( SGA 1979 , ss50,51 ) .
11 The terms of the review are best illustrated by reference to the contrast between the field of social policy and the discipline of sociology .
12 Some parts of the new law are best explained by reference to the defects of the old , e.g. s.5(4) is difficult to understand without reference to Moynes v Coopper [ 1956 ] 1 QB 439 .
13 Thus while patients with incomplete lesions retain some control of sphincter function , which can be enhanced by training , those with complete lesions have no control , are at the mercy of often unpredictable reflex defecation , and are best treated by transection of the dorsal sacral roots followed by manual evacuation or spinal stimulation , or both .
14 Lengthy instructions are best handled by way of an addendum sheet in order to keep the standard form as succinct as possible , bearing in mind its subsequent use as a contractual and financial document .
15 Peter , having been dismissed because his work as a traffic clerk has been largely supplanted by use of a computer program for traffic Mows , vehicle scheduling and so on is eligible for a redundancy payment .
16 Apart from the GCC states , where public opinion has been generally conditioned by fear of Iraq , Arab reactions to the war and to Western proposals for security have been virtually unanimously hostile .
17 Large groups of workers are already covered by legislation for the prevention of accidents and ill-health at work .
18 Its personnel are already identified by reason of their peerages which are held , subject to disclaimer , at least for life ) , and all that remains is to summon them .
19 Some pests are large enough to be gathered and destroyed by hand : caterpillars can be picked off at any time , while slugs and snails around vulnerable plants are easily collected by torchlight on moist evenings .
20 Benefits under a tax-approved company pension scheme are always limited by reference to earnings from the company .
21 Benefits under a tax-approved company pension scheme are always limited by reference to earnings from the company .
22 For every pair of tickets purchased , you will receive a free cassette/CD , entitled Flowers in Music , which has been specially compiled by Music for Pleasure , a division of EMI Records ( UK ) .
23 As the University has been approved by the Access Courses Recognition Group ( ACRG ) as an Authorised Validating Agency all these courses are nationally recognized by way of a kitemark .
24 Before leaving this interesting adjective behind , we may note that it introduces a minor discrepancy from a rather general tendency of qualification which has been gradually emerging by implication in the text so far .
25 Among them was George Donaldson , one of Scotland 's leading deaf men , who had been totally deafened by injury during the First World War .
26 ‘ Hum — Perdita 's problem , ’ sighed Daisy whose tongue had been totally loosened by drink on no lunch .
27 The above observations are further supported by evaluation of defecatory patterns .
28 Because dithiadiazoles are usually obtained by dehalogenation of the chloride — eg equation ( e ) — it is logical that dithiadiazoles sometimes act as dehalogenating agents ( equations g and h ) .
29 There are no elevating thoughts about money , all the emotions aroused by it are bad ; pride and miserliness and greed are quickly followed by fear of losing the money , and not far behind is likely to be the emotion of jealously because money is a relative thing and seldom does a rich man not find someone still richer to be jealous of .
30 Perhaps some of us here tonight are still gripped by fear of death .
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