Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] [pron] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Elsewhere it has been argued that ecosystems are ordered arrangements of matter in which energy inputs carry out work ( Stoddart , 1965 ) and that if the energy input is removed the structure will break down until the components are randomly arranged which with maximum entropy is the most probable state .
2 Remember opportunity costs : in coughing up the money for one project , investors are still comparing it with other possible projects .
3 Perhaps the upwardly mobile middle classes in 1990s Detroit are now surrounding themselves with postmodern houses and artefacts !
4 In some cases , firms , such as Nestlé in regions of Brazil , having purchased haciendas , are now running them with modern agricultural techniques .
5 These fingerprints are in such a form that they can be easily compared one with another ; that is to say the computer can calculate a measure of ‘ shape difference ’ between any two axes .
6 They were still watching him with fox-like concentration .
7 He 's there to help you with any problems you have , did you know that ? ’
8 Marshall 's hands had once made music — now they could n't — so he was perhaps punishing them with hard labour in a sort of brutal compensation .
9 He was still watching her with that professional expression on his face .
10 When Sara awoke and looked outside at the deep cloudless blue sky , she guessed that her hostess was also scanning it with equal pleasure .
11 By living with ‘ the woman ’ he was undeniably saddling himself with more expense , but consider the gains , he implored .
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