Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If graded tests are widely adopted within a school and if they are used properly as a means of assessing individual pupils ' ability and knowledge , according to their progress along the path of expertise , then the school must be prepared for classes that are grouped vertically , not horizontally .
2 John Knox returned to a tumultuous welcome , having been flatteringly described as a reformer who not merely ‘ lopped the branches of the papistry ’ but struck ‘ at the root , to destroy the whole ’ .
3 The case they should never have tried The Blue Arrow trial , the second longest in English criminal history , has been widely condemned as a travesty .
4 Perhaps the internal strains within the authorities of a newly-reunited Germany — and the demands of public opinion in the old East — make any punitive measures against ex-Easterners peculiarly uncomfortable to promote at this time ( and Krabbe 's coach has been widely fingered as a luminary in East Germany 's old chemically-enhanced Sportkulur . )
5 Cooperative binding between the cAMP-CRP complex and RNA polymerase at the lac P1 and gal P1 promoters has been widely supported by a variety of footprinting studies [ 18,22,24 ] .
6 Many similar examples can be found around the world , but in Britain there is substantial historical evidence which suggests that sharing with relatives outside the nuclear family in adult life has never been widely regarded as an ideal to be aimed for ( see chapter 2 ) .
7 Having earlier been widely dismissed as a crank — he was frequently referred to disparagingly as " Governor Moonbeam " because of his interest in mysticism and Zen Buddhism — Brown 's victory in Colorado ensured a more serious hearing for the policies central to his campaign such as the creation of a Canadian-style health care system and the adoption of a 13 per cent flat rate of income tax .
8 In short , if life was always harder in the inner cities than elsewhere , and if conditions may temporarily have been alleviated by the impact of the welfare state and rising incomes , the last decade has been widely represented as a period of deterioration .
9 This has been widely seen as an area where employment can be created and economic vitality encouraged .
10 The abolition of compulsory service for the nobility ( 1762 ) appears to have been widely read as an indication that freedom for serfs would follow shortly .
11 He challenged Mrs Shephard to scrap Employment Action , which has been widely criticised as a dead-end scheme providing little or no training , with a proper community-based programme .
12 The presence of Thalassiothrix in Neogene sediments from the eastern equatorial Pacific has been widely used as an indicator of significant upwelling and high primary production .
13 The Rates Act has been widely interpreted as a threat to local-government independence .
14 Lewis was plump , and rather coarse in appearance ; Williams , who has been unkindly likened to a monkey , was actually rather ethereal in manner , with his long fingers and piercing eyes .
15 Units are loosely linked by a theme in groups of six , of which the last is always a reading unit .
16 If left unploughed , these communities are eventually replaced by a Festuca rubra — Trifolium repens sward .
17 The inverted-U relationship has been empirically demonstrated for a number of different tasks ( e.g. Courts , 1942 ; Stennett , 1957 ; Bolanger & Feldman , described in Malmo 1959 ) , however , it is often regarded as a purely descriptive relationship rather than necessarily implying that arousal per se is affecting performance .
18 And it 's also important that we look back over the last ten years to how the N H S has been fundamentally changed as a consequence of Tory government policy towards it .
19 I have had two experiences in which the mental health problems of older people have been successfully treated by a homeopath .
20 In Rotherham , ‘ [ t ] he specific grant has been successfully obtained for a list of improvements which includes : implementing a joint care programme approach to planning and providing services to users ’ , while in Bradford the demands of care programming and care management led to considerable investment in Information Technology :
21 Of this poem and its cultural milieu , Patrick Wormald has written : ‘ Christianity had been successfully assimilated by a warrior nobility , a nobility which had no intention of abandoning its culture or seriously changing its way of life , but which was willing to throw its traditions , customs , tastes and loyalties into the articulation of the new faith . ’
22 Another patient with a low fistula has had her pouch excised and has been successfully converted to a Kock ileostomy because of severe ileoanal stenosis requiring pouch intubation that became socially unacceptable .
23 Collocations ( and the concordances from which they are derived ) have been successfully used for a variety of linguistic purposes .
24 This approach has been successfully used with a number of well known models of the UK economy , including the models of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research , the London Business School and HM Treasury .
25 If a search is to be conducted to find whether a pin has been successfully entered into a hole in a block then non-intersection , but possibly touching , is sought .
26 The Cement Garden , by contrast , seems entirely professional in its execution , the work of a young man whose private demons , however unruly , have been successfully harnessed to a career .
27 British Champion Colin McRae pushing everything to the limits … it requires rapid changes through the gear box … even when cornering … now in the Banbury factory of Prodrive engineers have spent 18 months developing a semi-automatic gear box … they 're already becoming common in Formula One … now for the first time they 've been successfully introduced in a rally car … with just a touch of a button the driver can change gear without having to take his hand off the steering wheel .
28 And these negotiations are mostly conducted in a tone of high comedy ; after 1930 Pound 's anger is virtually monopolized by Roosevelt 's USA , and English culture is for him just something that he ca n't take seriously .
29 Here the vines are mostly grown at a height of between 140 and 180 metres on south-east and south-west-facing slopes although some climb steeply from the outskirts of Hautvillers and rise to a height of around 250 metres .
30 What looked like an old army blanket , frayed at the edges and stiff with dirt , had been loosely spread in a corner , its fumy stink mingling with the smell of incense to produce an incongruous amalgam of piety and squalor .
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