Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] [noun] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Assuming , still , that Ermold wrote to please , it follows that Hugh and Matfrid must have been especially close to Judith in 826 , which in turn implies that she had indeed been successfully cultivating Lothar 's sympathy for the interests of herself and her son .
2 We 're now entering Dan 's house , this is where band practice was yesterday .
3 Groups from Long Sela'an are still blockading Samling 's logging roads , declaring that the company has scared away the game and polluted the rivers .
4 SCOTTISH MPs are angrily boycotting Green 's Restaurant in Westminster .
5 I am now reading Uitsmijter 's transcript of what the laibon had on his mind .
6 During the late 1970s , Commerson 's dolphin was the most heavily hunted , but recently this species has become less abundant and the crab fishermen are now catching Peale 's dolphin , dusky dolphin , Chilean black dolphin , and Burmeister 's porpoise .
7 It has been noted that CD must here be loosely recalling Dryden 's translation of the poem ( 1697 ) , because in that version Aeneas is made to say , after telling how he saw his father Priam slain , ‘ My hair with horror stood ’ , but there is no corresponding expression in the original Latin .
8 In a minute , I 'll come in a minute , I 'm just doing dad 's dinner
9 The Punch cartoonist recognized that , from the fact that if the kingfisher were consciously applying Snell 's law its dives would be ( as they are ) appropriately placed , it does not follow that this is indeed the explanation of its diving ability .
10 Even the decoits in the interior of Sind who had been closely following Pakistan 's victory march in their hide-outs expressed their joy by firing their weapons in the air without fear of being discovered .
11 Well it 's only costing Eddie 's brother a hundred erm one thousand one hundred pounds .
12 This is not your summing up , this is only answering Mr 's point Dr
13 Like you brought Caroline for her , cos she 's literally to cut Paul 's hair .
14 Alongside Brüggen , the 84-year-old Toscanini seems positively accommodating ; though it should be added that , apart from the two conductors ' fondness for quick tempos , their approaches are radically different , with Toscanini 's string players allowed to draw on a singing legato style that is generally denied Brüggen 's period instrumentalists .
15 ‘ Alan did n't score , but he does n't play against me every week , ’ quipped the jubilant Spurs defender , whose baby daughter is shortly to become Shearer 's god-daughter .
16 So that 's just illustrating Gillian 's point is that , information can come from a number of sources .
17 The imposition of heavy death duties payable in the 1930's , led to the sale of the original nursery land , on which three blocks of flats were built — Beverley , Belgrave and Beaumont Courts , but the little parade of shops on the corner of Walpole Gardens , just across the road from the old nursery , is still named Fromow 's Corner .
18 It 's also expecting Sun 's director of US reseller channels Dan Shaver to resign .
19 It was first given precision by Robert Hooke , a contemporary of Newton , who proposed what is now called Hooke 's law , namely that stress is proportional to strain .
20 From the chapel they 've taken the thing that we 're sorriest about , which is the cockfighting chair that Alexander Pope the poet used the two summers that he spent working here in what 's now called Pope 's Tower , translating the fifth volume of Homer 's Iliad .
21 The river is sometimes called Taal 's River , and the surrounding land of Talabecland is the heartland of the god 's worship .
22 There is , then , no grounds to believe that he is wilful in his disposition of his children 's affective lives [ see Landry , p. 103 ] ; indeed , his most important act is essentially to defend Terentia 's freedom .
23 By omitting the blocks to the east and west of the site that Hall had included , Manners was effectively answering Palmerston 's accusation that the Government was indulging in a ‘ mania for pulling down ’ .
24 Even more vigorous support came from The Building News which in a leading article on 18th February attacked the attitudes of Palmerston and Tite during the first debate , and made the incorrect comment that Hope had said that Manners was only following Stanley 's lead in choosing Scott for the Foreign Office .
25 Angela Brickell however was devastatingly carrying Perkin 's child .
26 I was already holding Susan 's hand .
27 He knew that he was just awaiting Stok 's signal .
28 ‘ I was just following Jennifer 's lead . ’
29 Ferguson had alighted on what was rapidly becoming Hollywood 's formula for entertaining America through its difficult times .
30 It was in 966 or 967 that the Norsman Thorgills Skarthi ( Hare Lip ) founded it below the great fortified headland that was thereafter called Skarthi 's Burh or stronghold .
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