Example sentences of "be [det] [pron] [pers pn] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 We are not advocates of the ‘ prosperity gospel ’ , but we do recognise that the people God definitely seems to entrust with finances are those whom he can trust to hold them with an open hand .
2 ‘ Is — is that what they 'll use me for ?
3 Well is that what he would see with you or would he just see what you 're wearing and , what would he see ?
4 Is that what I 'll say ?
5 Is that what I should do ? ’
6 Is that what I should fight for ?
7 It is further agreed that the approach adopted by the court of appeal in the case of and incorporate of nineteen eighty nine , one queens bench page eight hundred and seventy eight , is that which I should adopt , er the person which seeks to persuade me that the percentage which I should apply should be four point five percent rather than the two percent used in that case by the court of appeal , he argues partly on the basis of er , evidence by Mr an architect who er , with the greatest respect to him , whilst I feel quite sure his architectural abilities are of the highest quality , I feel that as an economist he is perhaps er not more reliable than any other economist , er but er , Mr argues that er , recent falls in house prices show that houses are not the risk free inflation proof investments which the court of appeal assumed when and was decided .
8 What you going to say about something that 's important a solution for you is that something you 'd like to do ?
9 Is that you you must give in our tender documents , we must tell the contractor what he has to allow for in his price .
10 So there 's that one you can choose from .
11 Oh that 's another one we can bid on .
12 A different kind of limitation is set by the third condition and it is this which we will look at now .
13 Is this something we could look up cos , cos
14 The local council in Banbury have just recently passed the planning application for the Coca Cola canning plant there , is this something you would welcome given problems with pollution up in Banbury anyway , before ?
15 You did it , you did it very well , yes , but you needed , I know you were going to , you needed to say at the end , is this important to you , or is this something you would like on your policy .
16 is this someone I can respect ?
17 It is these which I will emphasise .
18 I think that 's all I I 'd like to say on that for the moment .
19 It 's more what I can do for you .
20 That 's more what you can do with poppet one like that .
21 ‘ It 's more what you 'd expect of Durham country than Hertfordshire . ’
22 Only later will they come to learn the shades of grey in which we are both what we would like and what we would prefer not to be .
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