Example sentences of "be [vb pp] out at a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the West , business agreements are carried out at a distance , say six feet or more .
2 Rocket tests are carried out at a missile centre at Shuan-ch'eng-tsu or at a nuclear test range in Lop Nor .
3 Reductions in support levels should be carried out at a pace that gives efficient farmers time to adjust and diversify .
4 AN analysis of organised crime by leading experts on Triads , the Mafia and Hell 's Angels is to be carried out at a conference next week .
5 Drake has chestnut head with distinctive broad-bordered green stripe , and at rest can be picked out at a distance by horizontal white line above wing and buffish yellow patch behind tail coverts .
6 ‘ There is no doubt about the quality of the coal , but two questions need to be answered — can it be brought out at a price which allows a profit and can the consortium attract the investment required to run the place ? ’
7 Official attempts in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to reform and strengthen the police duties of headmen were carried out at a time when the overall influence of headmen was on the wane .
8 Whole villages were wiped out at a stroke , towns were abandoned , and in the chief provincial cities nearly three quarters of the people were taken by disease .
9 Plans of reform were worked out at a succession of Councils or synods attended only by Western bishops .
10 The adjectives were read out at a rate of one every three seconds .
11 In the latter case , the higher-level program is translated as a whole into a lower-level program as a whole , and that process is carried out at a time before and separate from the time when the ( compiled ) program runs .
12 Nothing in the scheme required that the training be carried out at a college — far from it — but endorsement of the scheme by local colleges is an important feature .
13 Obviously , when parents are killed a whole generation is wiped out at a stroke .
14 Much detailed work was carried out at a series of four preparatory conferences , known as " prepcoms " , the most recent of which , " Prepcom 4 " , was held in New York in April 1992 [ see p. 38890 ] .
15 Much of the detailed work on the conventions agreed at the summit was carried out at a series of four preparatory conferences , known as " prepcoms " , the most recent of which , " Prepcom 4 " , was held in New York in April [ see ED no. 58 ] .
16 But the study was carried out at a time of economic expansion and three out of four of the firms had experienced growth in the year prior to the study .
17 His kidnapping was carried out at a time of great international tension , occurring only two days after US aircraft had conducted bombing raids on targets in Libya .
18 The agreement to form separate groups was worked out at a meeting on Feb. 10 at the presidential residence in Lany , attended also by Czechoslovak President Vaclav Havel , who numbered many Liberal Club supporters among his closest associates but who had remained outside the conflict .
19 The idea was thrashed out at a lunch given by Kenneth Horne .
20 Ironically , before Monday night 's murder in north Belfast , the only other woman to be killed by terrorists this year was singled out at a flat a short distance away .
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