Example sentences of "be [vb pp] out for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 No behavioural intervention can be designed properly until ABC analysis has been carried out for the problem behaviours under scrutiny .
2 ‘ Imagine living in a country where the cops are all people who 're cut out for the job . ’
3 Trained by the man in form Nigel Twiston-Davies , who had a double at Cheltenham , Captain Dibble has been laid out for the race and has n't run since January when he finished third behind Very Very Ordinary carrying 12 stone at Ascot .
4 It appears to me as though Captain Diobble has been laid out for the race and although there are no such things as a certainty in a National , I feel he may be the right one .
5 I landed in a heap of cardboard boxes , shredded paper and polystyrene which had evidently been laid out for the purpose and prepared to come up fighting .
6 She then went on to point out that several pieces of silver had been laid out for the dining room which bore clear remains of polish .
7 Here are set out for the benefit of a person intending to become a candidate a few of the many matters which must be complied with in order that the candidature shall be declared valid by the returning officer .
8 And put together , all the legal paperwork that had to be filled out for the approval was 31 metres long .
9 This could also be carried out for the polymer , but as it makes no difference which one is taken ( both having started from ΔG M ) , equation ( 8.33 ) is more convenient to use .
10 However , it is necessary to consider this in a little more detail , for it might be argued that a rather better case could be made out for the materialist theory than the dismissive remarks of the preceding section seem to suggest , provided certain additional facts are taken into consideration .
11 It also presents the most difficult problem for those who , like myself , are convinced on practical grounds that a sufficient case can not be made out for the restoration of capital punishment .
12 It is sobering to reflect that a case could be made out for the judgment that the last extensive exercise of the English poetic sensibility was Wordsworth 's Prelude . ’
13 Additions were made at regular intervals and there was a pleasing rule that , even if a Sunday School scholar was unable to read , a book might nevertheless be lent out for the benefit of the family .
14 All you need is a table and chairs that do not look out of place in whatever room they are put — though , of course , folding varieties of both can be brought out for the occasion .
15 Situations and characters to be portrayed can be set out for the learner on a worksheet .
16 The possibility of an increase in Japanese interest rates was raised , but seemed to be ruled out for the present by the Finance Minister , Ryutaro Hashimoto , in a statement made after his return to Tokyo .
17 ‘ Given the present and foreseeable state of fishery resources in the Community and the degree to which fishing fleets have so far been restructured , the full-scale liberalisation of the activities of undertakings must be ruled out for the time being …
18 It is very tough to be left out for a rookie like Steve Ojomoh . ’
19 Unless you have married a man who is unusually attached to his mother ( which is another matter altogether ) , it will be unlikely to occur to your husband that he needs to do anything more to make his mother happy than to be a kind and dutiful son , who has given her sanctuary in his own home in her later years ; but if he is a man of feeling , it will not be difficult to persuade him of her need for his company : her need to be taken out for a run in the car with him alone sometimes , to be kissed when he kisses you when he gets home in the evening , and occasionally to be brought a bunch of flowers instead of you .
20 And you never say you 'd like to be taken out for a change , or ring him up when you want a bit of company ? ’
21 She was obviously impatient to be taken out for a spin even though there was hardly puff enough to stir her anemometer .
22 This sort of conditioned need makes it very difficult for the horse to be taken out for the day , and makes it completely unsuitable for a day of hard work .
23 During this time conditions were to be worked out for a monitoring scheme and new quota system , which was expected to allow renewed exploitation of certain stocks , notably of minke whales .
24 And if I have one person dearer to me than another , why must that person be singled out for an object of your violence ?
25 The unpredictability of death can easily lead to embarrassment for the firm , not least because of the fundamental obligation of the personal representatives of a deceased partner to realise the assets comprised in his estate at an early date : and one of these assets will be the deceased 's share in the surplus assets of the firm or ( where the agreement so provides ) the right to be paid out for the value of that share .
26 ‘ Hodge has been ruled out for the season after an appendix operation , but I am confident Jones will do a good job .
27 Similarly , children who are gifted perhaps in dance are taken out for a master class and so on .
28 Since the scheme was launched in 1987 690,000 plans have been taken out for a total of almost £1.5 billion .
29 They are likely to include the following : ( a ) the execution and exchange of the acquisition agreement ( by which Newco will buy the business from the vendor ) ; ( b ) the managers having subscribed in cash for ordinary shares in Newco ; ( c ) the passing of any necessary shareholders ' resolutions ; ( d ) receipt by the investors of a satisfactory accountants ' report , audited accounts and management accounts ; ( e ) the managers having entered into service agreements ; ( f ) receipt by the investors of certificates of title ; ( g ) the investors being satisfied with the loan and banking facilities being provided to Newco ; ( h ) keyman insurance having been taken out for the benefit of the company over the lives of each of the managers .
30 From the survey , it would seem that many bureaux which own the microfilm system find many uses for it within the bureau when it has not been taken out for an outreach advice session ; it is used for training purposes in order to demonstrate access to and use of information in CAB advice work and it is also used for giving talks to outside groups .
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