Example sentences of "be [vb pp] on [art] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ehrlichman and Weinberger criticise the emphasis that has been placed on the first eye movements occurring after a question has been asked and the consequent ignoring of movements which occur prior to or during presentation of a particular item .
2 It was almost 2215 , and 300 cases had been treated on the first day .
3 On the second visit Mr. Burgess was given instructions different from those he had been given on the first visit .
4 As with most stress rules , there are exceptions , for example ‘ honest ’ , ‘ perfect ’ or , both of which end with two consonants but are stressed on the first syllable .
5 Thus , where all taxes are levied on the first generation ( ) , as assumed by Diamond 11965 ) .
6 I represent those who are enumerated on the second sheet .
7 Units are valued on the last working day of each month and are allocated on the first day of the following month , after the receipt of your premium .
8 On reaching the last train they found a colleague talking to a middle-aged man dressed in a light-coloured rain coat and flat cap who was assumed to have been overcarried on the last train after going out of service at Capland Road Station .
9 The rules contained in Sch 4 are based on the Seventh Company Law Directive .
10 The property is impressively maintained and has well proportioned accommodation on 2 floors , with a superb Kitchen/Breakfast Room with light oak units being a particular feature of the property , 3 good sized Bedrooms are provided on the first floor , whilst , outside is car parking space and Carport with attractive walled and private Garden beyond .
11 In military terms the problem should have been settled on the first day .
12 Units are valued on the last working day of each month and are allocated on the first day of the following month , after the receipt of your premium .
13 We shall treat them as a special type of word and give them the following rule : when a pair of prefix-plus-stem words exists , both members of which are spelt identically , one of which is a verb and the other is either a noun or an adjective , the stress will be placed on the second syllable of the verb but on the first syllable of the noun or adjective .
14 If the final syllable is of this type , the stress will usually be placed on the first syllable .
15 If it is pressed while on the first input field of a line , then the cursor will be placed on the last input field of the previous line .
16 Er and I think we would all er acknowledge er the the precise difficulties of that wording and perhaps a , an amendment may need to be considered on the second line following the list of districts .
17 Now this agreement witnesseth that in consideration of the said John Weston Foakes paying to the said Julia Beer on the signing of this agreement the sum of £500 , the receipt whereof she doth hereby acknowledge in part satisfaction of the said judgment debt of £2,090 19s. , and on condition of his paying her or her executors , administrators , assigns or nominee the sum of £150 on the 1st day of July and the 1st day of January or within one calendar month after each of the said days respectively in every year until the whole of the said sum of £2,090 19s. shall have been fully paid and satisfied , the first of such payments to be made on the 1st day of July next , then she the said Julia Beer hereby undertakes and agrees that she , her executors , administrators or assigns , will not take any proceedings whatever on the said judgment .
18 On March 26 , 1952 , they signed the agreement now sued upon which has three clauses : ‘ ( 1 ) the husband will pay to the wife for her support and maintenance a weekly sum of One Pound Ten Shillings to be paid every four weeks during the joint lives of the parties so long as the wife shall lead a chaste life the first payment hereunder to be made on the Fifteenth day of April 1952. ( 2 ) The wife will out of the said weekly sum or otherwise support and maintain herself and will indemnify the husband against all debts to be incurred by her and will not in any way at any time hereafter pledge the husband 's credit .
19 The ‘ King of the Mountains ’ prize may be decided on the 16th stage between St Etienne and La Bourboule , which ends with the Col de la Croix Morand ( 1401 metres ) and the Côte de Charlannes ( 1147 metres ) in the strange volcanic uplands of the Auvergne .
20 To ensure that different days of the week are covered , the measurements will be done on every twentieth working day .
21 The permanent collection will be exhibited on the second floor of the Museum and its opening will come during the year when Madrid has been selected as the Cultural Capital of Europe .
22 They determined that the Lord 's Supper should be celebrated on the first Sabbath in August .
23 At the end of the transcription there is an alternative fill for bar 5 of section A to be played on the 2nd time only .
24 Next year the permanent collection will be redisplayed on the first floor while a new space will be constructed one floor above , for temporary exhibitions .
25 Here , the length will have to be marked on the last piece when it is in position and the excess cut off with a hacksaw .
26 Only three spare rooms were to be provided on the second floor of the Foreign Office , and none were to be provided in the War Department .
27 Facilities for all volunteers including those not in need of sleeping quarters will be provided on the first floor .
28 This enables water that has been used in the final rinse for previous dishes to be boosted on the next batch to clear off detergents .
29 The old gallery will be found on the first floor of the house ; previously on an outside wall facing East .
30 Some of the clocks and mechanical toys that delighted Josephine Bowes , whose father was a clock-maker , can be found on the first floor .
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