Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These , again , are pre-set to a small selection , but , noticeably , they include only those colours that normally print well with a three colour ribbon , which , given the price and target audience of the program , is a sensible move .
2 All 133 bedrooms are furnished to a high standard with en-suite bathroom .
3 The palazzo now offers five lovely apartments all of which are furnished to a high standard some with antiques — and of individual character and charm .
4 But Adrie van Tiggelen , the Anderlecht defender who missed the Wales game because of suspension , has been recalled to a 16-man squad which also includes AC 's Frank Rijkaard .
5 All enrolling students are assigned to a personal tutor , normally an academic teaching in one of their fields , who has responsibility for a total of about a dozen students in various years of the Course .
6 Controlled indexing languages or assigned-term systems are indexing languages in which a person both controls the terms that are used to represent subjects and executes the process whereby terms are assigned to a particular document .
7 However , in broad terms , one credit is assigned to one 40-hour module ; two credits are assigned to an 80-hour module , etc .
8 The reality is that the scheme has so far been limited to a small number of well managed practices , which for the most part were generously funded and chosen to succeed .
9 I have been limited to a reduced number of pages , but I have tried hard to make them count .
10 Hudson points to the fact that , not only are these terms applied by pupils to the arts and sciences , but also they are recognized to a large degree by those , like himself , working within psychology .
11 Life down on the farm is kiddie-sized in Niedersachen , German , where Thorsten , Manuela and Kornnelia Pape have been treated to a mini tractor by their father Klaus , who farms land around the village .
12 Indeed , the six-metre long sauropod neck has been likened to a living crane for lifting the head to feed , with up to fifteen vertebrae possessing unique extra articulations in the neck to combine strength with agility .
13 The emotions have been likened to a musical instrument and it is a man 's task to play upon its uttermost strings .
14 Thus , the yearly incidence rate was 0.03% for the whole population , and even if it had been adjusted to an age-standardised incidence , the observed incidence of 1.2% would still be more than expected , considering that the uncorrected risk ratio was 40 .
15 The friends of the Queen belong to a small coterie of aristocrats , the children are educated exclusively ( one of the reasons Gordonstoun seemed a good bet was because , unlike metropolitan Eton , it was miles away in rural Scotland ) , and all are limited to a narrow circle of suitable acquaintances .
16 any of their rights to participate in a surplus in a winding up are limited to a specific amount which is not calculated by reference to the company 's assets or profits and such limitation had a commercial effect in practice at the time the shares were issued or , if later , at the time the limitation was introduced .
17 Children who come to this school are limited to a Fine Arts base , and possibly Graphics .
18 The only difference between this demo and the full commercial version is that you are limited to a single theatre of operations .
19 However , the limitations of these data must be borne in mind , especially the fact that they are limited to a single point in time .
20 In the USA it is estimated that about 80 per cent of collective agreements are confined to employees of a single company and about two-thirds are limited to a single plant ( Cohen , 1975 ) .
21 If you are limited to a three-lamp set-up , your subjects have to remain within a fairly small area , otherwise the lighting becomes unbalanced and the performers may even stray into unlit areas .
22 ‘ There is no new thing under the sun ’ and in kung fu the angles and arcs of attack are limited to a 360-degree area .
23 Some of these are already apparent following Britain 's entry into the ERM : the stoking up of inflation in the mid-1980s and the creation in the 1990s of a million or so extra unemployed , together with thousands of bankruptcies , can properly be ascribed in the main to priority having been given to a managed exchange rate .
24 Mr erm bearing in mind it its multi role capability and the fact that the U K is likely to be engaged in more and more out of air operations in support of U N er has any consideration been given to a maritime variant .
25 As there is only one fixing point , this being on the base , it would have had to have been fastened to a stable item , such as furniture .
26 ‘ We are now dealing with a situation where all of us are exposed to a cannabis-like substance .
27 At each level , the word list has been created with an eye to current concerns so that students are exposed to an up-to-date vocabulary which is really relevant to their needs .
28 Indeed the evidence ( Wilson 1980 , Evans 1981 ) suggests that disruptive pupils are exposed to an inferior curriculum which may only add to their difficulties .
29 Tumour ‘ promoters ’ are substances such as the phorbolesters that are n't carcinogenic by themselves but encourage the growth of malignant tumours in cells that have previously been exposed to a low dose of a true carcinogen ( known as an initiator ) .
30 As both hon. Members will have in mind , European Community monitors are now in place who have been exposed to a high degree of personal risk .
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