Example sentences of "be [vb pp] up at the end " in BNC.

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1 ( There are also references in the body of the text , some of which are picked up at the end of the chapter . )
2 Here the wheel is mounted horizontally rather than vertically and the spokes are bent up at the ends to form a cup shape .
3 In fact , outside the Europe of the Six very little had been achieved and very little interest had been displayed in integration and cooperation beyond the all-European organisations that had been set up at the end of the previous decade .
4 Clerical Medical 's fund will have to be wound up at the end of five years , which will ensure that it will have to pay CGT in full on whatever has been made .
5 The scheme is due to be wound up at the end of December 1993 but until then , excepting one or two minor technical amendments affecting mortgage rescues/property management subsidiaries , the rules will remain unchanged .
6 Thanks to an over rate of 11.2 and the time lost to the weather being made up at the end , that fourth day became the longest in Test history , not finishing until 7.40 .
7 Our pens were collected up at the end of each session , so we never got the same pen twice , resulting in the nibs being frequently crossed .
8 Laughton was sent , against his wishes , to study the hotel trade at Claridge 's in London before being called up at the end of World War I ; he was rapidly invalided out of the army after being gassed on the western front in 1918 .
9 The tag is picked up at the end of a track and the synonym will also , on average , be at or near the end of a track , not in the middle .
10 The long slow movement ( track 28 ) is particular seems to be the core of Reger , prophetic of early Schoenberg or Busoni and darkly introspective in sharp contrast to the Mozart theme , which is blown up at the end of the concluding fugue — almost literally , pious Mozartians may feel , in Wagnerian harmony .
11 Even Trepper was captured and the Rote Kapelle was wound up at the end of 1942 .
12 As I recall , he had not been initially so preoccupied with the peace treaty when it was drawn up at the end of the Great War , and I think it is fair to say that his interest was prompted not so much by an analysis of the treaty , but by his friendship with Herr Karl-Heinz Bremann .
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