Example sentences of "be [vb pp] by [art] long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Extensive entries for each of the artist 's works are preceded by a long chronology with numbered and itemised sections discussing in detail the major developments in Magritte 's career .
2 The concepts of each civilization , like the soil of its homeland , have been cultivated by a long tradition of directed effort , but in the last resort are not invented but given .
3 This species may be recognised by the long rugose disk spinelets , the large apical and oral papillae , and the large adoral shields .
4 If you look at a bar code it will normally be accompanied by a long number ( usually eight or thirteen digits long ) .
5 The dominance of studies on modern processes in the field of geomorphological methods needs to be balanced by the longer perspective that falls traditionally within the area of Quaternary geology and geomorphology …
6 Would not it be a disaster for business throughout the country suddenly to be confronted by a long list of new regulations and constraints ?
7 The undulations in the grass were heightened by the long shadows , and she tripped over .
8 At 1100 hours all is set and the parade ground is filled by the long ranks of the 180 members of Training Company and the Pegasus Band all awaiting the arrival of the Inspecting Officer , Brigadier Mike Scott DSO CBE , who commanded the 1st Battalion of the Scots Guards in the Falklands War .
9 The performance of the housewife role in adulthood is prefaced by a long period of apprenticeship .
10 The house is approached by a long drive through pastoral fields .
11 The column itself is decorated by a long relief frieze wound round from top to bottom and representing episodes from the Emperor 's Dacian campaigns .
12 Mr Leslie 's train was to leave platform 3 on the far left-hand side of the station which is linked by a long subway .
13 Sottomarina is linked by a long bridge , across the lagoon , to the town of Chioggia , ‘ Little Venice ’ , made up of narrow-straight canals and streets , hump-back bridges and colourful houses — it is one of the great wonders of Italy .
14 On the west side are the twin escarpments of Fell End Clouds and Stennerskeugh Clouds , and on the east a broad shelf is pitted by a long line of shakeholes and potholes , the Angerholme Pots .
15 The silence was eased by a long wail from a ship 's hooter from downstream .
16 In fact he was subjected to a very stiff , puritanical and doctrinal regime , only mitigated by the fact that he was educated by a long sequence of tutors , and seemed to have access to a lot of books .
17 Thomas Huxley , the great biologist , whose household was dominated by a long series of cats over a period of forty years , described how one of them , a young tabby tom-cat , developed the alarming game of jumping on the shoulders of his dinner-guests and refusing to dismount until they fed him some titbit .
18 The room , possibly used as a chancery by the duke , was dominated by a long table with chairs down either side and a high-backed , throne-like seat at the top .
19 Arguably he was known to Londoners less for his medical expertise than for his incredible eccentricity , which was exaggerated by a long beard , a predilection for extraordinary costume and his habit of riding about in the streets and Hyde Park on a white pony , which he sometimes painted all purple or , when the mood took him , purple with black spots .
20 It is widely accepted that the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century was preceded by a long period of gradual economic growth , but when the upturn began remains uncertain .
21 My pleasure at seeing my name appear in the November journal as a new member by examination was tempered by the long list of those gaining membership by direct entry — indeed , a list of comparable length with those graduate members .
22 Situated on the outskirts of Cullbridge , it was reached by a long drive edged by trees and shrubs .
23 Here again he was alerted by a long tradition of Greek search for barbarian philosophers and seers .
24 In December 1640 Sir John Finch , now Lord Keeper , was impeached by the Long Parliament .
25 Discussions on the subject had begun late in November , when the ‘ old navigator ’ had first became part of their lives , but Dorothy 's remark at the end of their walking tour that Coleridge 's poem would appear ‘ with some pieces of William 's ’ was followed by a long silence .
26 After the revolution , B. A. Henman , the Registrar of the Royal Society of Chemistry , explained that Elena Ceauşescu 's ‘ application was supported by a long list of papers published in her name …
27 When he took his seat , the trumpets blew and the dinner was served by a long line of servants who carried in plates of steaming hot boar 's meat , brawn , beef , sturgeon , fish , bowls of cream containing sugared strawberries , and jug after jug of different wines .
28 In Britain , their insignificance was overcome by the long agitation for affiliation to the Labour Party .
29 This was encouraged by the long depression of prices .
30 As Ken Plummer observes , whereas once it was the homosexual who was viewed as sick , now it might be the heterosexual who is charged with pathology : ‘ Whereas once the homosexual was identified by a long series of character traits , it is now possible to identify the traits of the homophobe : authoritarian , cognitively restricted , with gender anxieties , ( Plummer , ‘ Homosexual Categories ’ , 62 ) .
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