Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to the national [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But workers rejected that offer and the matter has now been referred to the national executive of the Amalgamated Engineering Union , which is expected to rule on the dispute in the next few days .
2 It has long been recognised , however , that international comparisons of industrial relations which are confined to the national level may produce misleading results because of the possible dominance of one or more particular industries within a given country .
3 There was no active retention program by ICL 's corporate archives , but ICL 's Technical and Social Archive held a complete set of documentation , which has recently been transferred to the National Archive for the History of Computing at Manchester University .
4 Two are related to the national revolution and to the growth of the nation-state : the first reflected differences between subject and dominant cultures within a multi-cultural society ( such as Switzerland and , in a recent development mobilizing a bias that was previously only potential , Belgium : Murphy , 1988 ) ; the second reflected differences between religious and secular authority , representing the ‘ old ’ and the ‘ new ’ in views about the location of power ( again , as in Switzerland , and also in The Netherlands ) .
5 , Britain 's first commercial wind farm , based in Delabole in Cornwall , has been connected to the national electricity grid .
6 In the past , such houses had always been offered to the National Trust , which had initially taken them without endowment , accepting instead an undertaking that the Ministry of Works would make good any deficit on repairs and maintenance through a Historic Buildings Council grant .
7 Consequently , the answer to be given to the national court must be that the fact that the competent minister of a member state has the power to dispense with the nationality requirement in respect of an individual in view of the length of time such individual has resided in that member state and has been involved in the fishing industry of that member state can not justify , in regard to Community law , the rule under which registration of a fishing vessel is subject to a nationality requirement and a requirement as to residence and domicile .
8 The vehicles will be given to the National Association of Boys ' Clubs and will tour run-down inner-city areas .
9 Reference may be made to the National Code of Local Government Conduct , para. 3 ( Appendix D , post , p. 105 ) although it has to be said that that paragraph is not , in the author 's view , well drafted since it fails to indicate with sufficient clarity the difference between disclosing personal pecuniary interests ( failure to comply being a serious criminal offence ) and disclosing other interests ( which is simply a matter of prudence , but involves no breach of law ) .
10 It goes like this : back in 1983 local people decided they were fed up with repeated Indonesian Government promises that the village would soon be connected to the national electricity grid .
11 In addition to writing very informatively about the internal management , control and validation of courses , and the accountability of the polytechnics , he advocates that the whole cost of higher education , including advanced further education , and the universities , be transferred to the national exchequer , under a new national body , the Higher Education Commission .
12 All non-British pictures before World War I should be transferred to the National Gallery , and those later in date to a new Modern Art Museum .
13 While Fountains Abbey , the great Gothic ruin set in beautiful parkland , could naturally be transferred to the National Trust given a suitable endowment ( who would provide the millions needed for that ? ) , and Westminster Abbey 's Chapter House could be entrusted to the Church of England , it is uncertain whether some of the less glamourous archaeological sites could be hived off to local councils without risk to their future .
14 The electricity generated in this new hydro-electric scheme will be sold to the National Grid ; power to service the site and to provide floodlighting for the spectacular gorge and falls will also be produced by what will be one of the largest electricity-generating waterwheels in Europe .
15 At Morpeth the existing tank will be removed , as it is considered fit only for scrap , although it will be offered to the National Railway Museum , for the possible use as a corridor tender display .
16 Now Stroud is likely to be reconnected to the national canal network by the turn of the century .
17 A resolution , to be put to the national conference of the National Federation of Retail Newsagents in Llandudno , suggests it is wrong for ‘ agent provocateurs ’ children sent for cigarettes by adults to be used to trap shopkeepers .
18 For Electricite de France carried on building throughout the appeals procedure and the first Cruas reactor is due to be coupled to the national grid in two months .
19 The General Committee shall then fix a date for a special meeting to decide which nomination , if any , shall be submitted to the National Executive Committee for endorsement as prospective parliamentary candidate .
20 They 're already Southern champions and are almost certain to be promoted to the National League next season .
21 On May 15 the Kurdistan Front said that it was not possible at present to issue a list allowing Turkoman inhabitants of the region to elect candidates but that " at the first available opportunity " Turkoman candidates would be elected to the National Assembly .
22 When a vote is necessary to determine which nomination is to be sent to the National Executive Committee for endorsement , it shall be taken by an eliminating ballot on the basis of one delegate , one vote .
23 All funds from Rag Week at the Clacton site of the Colchester Institute will be donated to the National Asthma Campaign .
24 Parys resigned because , he said , the Sejm Commission investigating the affair had concluded that the office of Defence Minister should be subordinated to the National Security Office .
25 No details were given to the National Union or to the constituencies involved , so much hard work had to be done and much recrimination endured before the party could settle down to the campaign .
26 Some , mainly those of war time subjects and taken in the 30 's and 40's were given to the National Portrait Gallery , but the best were retained by the V. and A.
27 The supply problem was further compounded by the fact that during the four years of war only 50,000 dwellings were added to the national stock .
28 In the 17-month period from March 1980 to August 1981 alone , 15 units were connected to the national grid .
29 However , four smaller parties were also represented , and six posts were allocated to the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola ( UNITA ) , including one of Cabinet rank and the post of Deputy Minister of Defence .
30 The UDF claimed that the BCP was refusing to give the round table a valid role in political decision-making , including discussion of bills being submitted to the National Assembly .
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