Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In our example , x 29 , x 59 and x 97 are basic and so nodes 2 , 5 and 7 are assigned to the second generation and P(2) = P(5) = P(7) = 9 .
2 x 29 , x 41 , x 59 , x 87 and x 97 , then nodes 4 and 9 are assigned to the first generation and P(4) = P(9) = 1 .
3 In general , for a node i of the rth generation , we assign any node j ( ) not assigned to generations 1 , … , r , for which or is basic , to generation r + 1 and set P(j) = i This means that all the remaining nodes in our example are assigned to the third generation and P(3) = P(6) = 2 , P(8) = 7 .
4 It is to be recommended that full reasons are given to the third party solicitor .
5 He had been posted to the 11th Field Regiment , Royal Artillery , which was newly arrived in Egypt from Iraq , and was immediately sent to the front .
6 Similar thought has been given to the next run of ‘ Sir Lamiel ’ scheduled for Friday , March 12th .
7 The negotiations were extremely complex and detailed and the whole issue has been referred to the next stage of IBOA/Bank procedures which is an Independent Tribunal .
8 The values placed upon formal education are transmitted to the second generation Asians and consequently many achieve educational success .
9 And when they joined their ship , they had been plundered to the last farthing , most probably in debt and diseased in mind and body .
10 The majority are dated to the seventh century , the exception being that from Shrivenham ( Oxfordshire ) which dates to the second half of the sixth century or later ( pers. comm .
11 Now these represent two lectures on group processes that 're given to the first year social psychology students at Aston .
12 Before departure a prize of 10,000 maravedis had been promised to the first man to sight the New World .
13 A prize of 10,000 Spanish coins had been promised to the first man to see land and he even claimed this .
14 Most sales are under the 60,000 pound mark , and low mortgage rates and other incentives are geared to the first time buyer .
15 Mozart 's lodge , with others , was subsumed into a larger one , Zur neugekrönten Hoffnung ( New Crowned Hope ) , by which time he had been raised to the third degree , that of Master Mason .
16 At the end of each season , the bottom three clubs in the First Division are relegated to the Second Division for the next season .
17 It has been compared to the first ascent of Everest .
18 The attack was believed to have been linked to the second anniversary on Dec. 9 of the Palestinian intifada in the occupied territories .
19 Perhaps we are seeing , as an evolution ( the origins of which can be traced to the nineteenth century ) , the emergence of a genuine hybrid tribunal , in which case to suggest that this body is a further example of the use of judges for extrajudicial activities is only one way to describe it .
20 All the relatives of a particular person of a particular age and sex can already be calculated to the 2nd degree of kinship , giving the age and sex of these relatives together with range of variation and proportions lacking .
21 ‘ It is riveting stuff , especially to be treated to the first performance of a production that has attracted such rave reviews .
22 Failure to persuade medical staff of the adverse consequences on patient care should be reported to the next level of management .
23 middle of various further further further er further er discussions and the outcome will be reported to the next member of erm er the next meeting of the Environment Sub Committee .
24 If the Appellant fails to comply with this requirement , then the decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall sand and be reported to the next Council meeting for ratification .
25 Additional handles can be added to the second frame simply by clicking on it with the mouse and these are then dragged to re-shape the boundary .
26 It should be added to the last rinse in both machine and hand washes , and is suitable for all kinds of fabric .
27 For notes on this Act and these rules , reference should be made to the 8th edition of this book .
28 A full report when in this matter will be made to the next meeting of the Health Committee in May . ’
29 By the mid-seventeenth century it had become normal for the wealth of the old people to be transferred to the next generation when they retired , perhaps in their sixties , but for the retired couple to retain houseroom in the family home ; and in order to make disputes less likely , these retirement arrangements were increasingly recorded in deeds .
30 These may be transferred to the next generation when individual reproductive cells have been manipulated .
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