Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [to-vb] the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Once in the hides , sentries had been posted to protect the company positions , and many of the men took the opportunity to get some rest , if only for a few minutes .
2 The models are developed to simulate the stress train field induced on the living bone by the implant .
3 There are also a number of tasks and activities which have been developed to illustrate the family dynamic — these include family choreography , role-playing , role-reversal , family drawing , charting , listing , and perhaps most well-known , family sculpting .
4 The new course has been developed to meet the Engineering Council 's requirements for incorporated engineer status and it is hoped that all of the colleges involved will be accredited by the Engineering Council .
5 The usual chorus of public-sector workers — university lecturers , school teachers , representatives of official trade unions — has been formed to oppose the austerity programme .
6 These computer systems , which are intended to emulate the thought processes , analytical reasoning and advice of experts , contain a great deal of skill and expertise within the systems themselves .
7 Whereas the library promotion schemes are designed to publicize the library service , the courses go a stage further by giving an insight of how the library operates as well as orienting the course participant to the services and stock .
8 Jobs which are designed to give the worker autonomy will produce the experience of responsibility , and designing in mechanisms to provide feedback from the job provides knowledge of the actual results of the work activities .
9 The provisos and conditions for re-entry by the landlord for breach of covenant or non-payment of rent by the tenant are designed to give the landlord power to terminate the lease .
10 The championships are designed to bring the judo world together .
11 They are designed to bring the accounting treatment of certain assets into line with the cash impact and to present a more realistic view of the balance sheet .
12 The iconography may be updated — with Punch , Harlequin , Perrault 's Cinderella , archetypal figures of immemorial imaginings replaced by newer , movie-bred cast of characters , Roger Rabbit , Indiana Jones , Disney 's Cinderella — but both theme park and funfair are designed to satisfy the childhood fantasy of a toy as big as the object of which it 's supposed to be the scale model .
13 The Forensic Science Service laboratories are already open to the defence but lack credibility because they will always principally serve the prosecution and the Commission 's own research shows that these scientists are used to writing reports which are designed to assist the prosecution case .
14 Departures and connections in Reading are designed to develop the reading skills of elementary and pre-intermediate students of English , and are based on the structures and vocabulary of the first two levels of Streamline English .
15 Paula and Louise had been nominated to sell the raffle tickets and did a round of the hall , flirting outrageously and telling all the boys the tickets were ‘ sixpence each or two shillings a strip ’ .
16 Here , you are recommended to consult the companion volume in this series , Setting up R/C Helicopters .
17 In the letter-writing task , candidates are recommended to use the letter layout adopted by the British Standards Institution ( PD 6506 : 1982 ) , but the examiners will accept a variety of current layouts , provided they are followed consistently .
18 In the letter writing task , candidates are recommended to use the letter layout adopted by the British Standards Institution ( PD 6506 : 1982 ) , but the examiners will accept a variety of current layouts , provided they are followed consistently .
19 Half-yearly results which are due to be published next week are expected to see the yard return to profitability .
20 Schofield and Devereux are expected to fill the centre roles left by Michael O'Connor who has retired , and Kevin Iro , who joins Leeds next week .
21 The remaining 20 polytechnics are expected to adopt the university label shortly .
22 The LIFESPAN RDBI configuration file has been edited to configure the LIFESPAN RDBI transfer run .
23 Likewise , our Institute must lobby to ensure that , if change has to come , then only registered auditors or at least members of the Institute are permitted to sign the compilation report .
24 Although there were violent clashes between rioters and police in Osaka in October 1990 [ see p. 37780 ] , there were fewer attempts by the radical left than had been expected to disrupt the enthronement ceremony of Emperor Akihito .
25 McKeown ( 1976 ) and Hollingsworth ( 1982 ) insist that mortality response was the key to understanding the beginning of the demographic transition , particularly its continued decline despite the rapid population growth and urbanization of the nineteenth century , which might have been expected to raise the death rate .
26 Successive quant ties of solvent are added to ensure the solvent level remains above the stationary phase .
27 Answer guide : This question has been designed to illustrate the business entity principle , the fact that a balance sheet represents a snapshot at one point in time and some of the difficulties encountered in deciding what should be included in a balance sheet .
28 While everyone agrees that far more could , and should , have been done to contain the AIDS epidemic , the key issue now is that positive steps can still be taken .
29 She gazed at the stubby brick lighthouse , which was over two hundred years old , and had been built to guide the fishing boats home safely to harbour .
30 The effects of this pressure have emerged in at least one Modular Course evaluation study ( see Table 6.2 , Modular Course Management Structures ) , and a determined attempt has been made to configure the management system in such a way that Field Chairs participate in all Course development decisions , so that special needs are recognized and special difficulties can not be easily ignored .
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