Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [v-ing] [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 To stir up mischief , no doubt , and to eye Jean Bruce , the blacksmith 's daughter — they had been seen strolling about in the gloaming more than once , laughing quietly together and holding hands .
2 Lucy crawled out of bed around lunchtime , found her way up to the shower while Josie could be heard moving around in the kitchen , and could n't resist leaving aside her own hard soap and supermarket shampoo in order to freeload a few squirts and squeezes of the gels , mousses and lotions that stood on the tiled windowsill .
3 Despite all the hype , hate and hysteria that has gone before , something magical and mysterious can still be heard shuffling around in the dark , and this celebration is the spotlight that picks it out .
4 The women were to be seen hanging around in the yard talking quietly or trying to wash to get a few more rags to the pawnshop .
5 She moved purposefully away to the group who lay in the darkness under the cypress trees , or sat on the walls and steps of the garden , and began to activate them so that a light dress , or white pair of jeans could be seen jigging about in the night that had suddenly fallen .
6 In the early morning planes were heard passing over in the mist and the rain .
7 Hours were spent paddling around in the dark on the Suez Canal until they believed they had mastered handling of the inflatables .
8 Several times , he is seen rummaging about in the garbage bag , possibly trying to conceal something .
9 Some gave themselves fierce noms de guerre , ‘ Rambo ’ and ‘ El Negro ’ , as if their only purpose was fighting for its own sake , though even that purpose was largely wishful thinking ; much of their time was spent hanging round in the camps , doing nothing .
10 Our William was left standing out in the street for half an hour soaking .
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