Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adv] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 In Westminster Abbey Library is a fragment of a funerary taper found in Abbot Thomas Mylling 's tomb , which is presumed to have been placed there at the time of his funeral in 1492 and probably came off the hearse .
2 Since we compiled the answer relating to company names and trade marks , our attention has been drawn to the case of Mothercare UK Ltd v Penguin ( 1987 ) which appears to have been reported only in the Times on 8 July 1987 .
3 Since there is such a difference between the two documents , and since the Dunrossness District Plan was designed for immediate public consumption ( the Structurn Plan had not been disseminated widely at the time of our research , June , 1978 — January , 1979 ) one could suggest that the tenor of the document reflects the desire to underplay any potential conflicts between Shetlanders and incomers .
4 At his trial the magistrates urged that the Book of Common Prayer had been used ever since the time of the Apostles .
5 The seeds of the ideology behind this had been sown long before the time of Constantine .
6 This collection has been brought together at a time when the Banjara people are gravitating towards the cities relinquishing their nomadic life and abandoning their dynamic textile art .
7 The welfare point is a little complicated , because of course you have to catch up the dogs , and many of those dogs will be killed , but the dogs can be treated well during the time they are held .
8 One difficulty with testing recognition memory is that inferences might be made only at the time of the recognition test .
9 ’ You 'd be locked away in no time at all .
10 They can only be set aside for a time .
11 This enabled the movements of Filden I to be monitored closely from the time she left Dieppe .
12 This may be taken either at the time of your child 's birth or during the weeks following , for example , when the mother and baby leave hospital .
13 Whether this lesion should be biopsied percutaneously at the time of initial imaging remains controversial .
14 Is the surgeon to be remunerated purely on a time basis ? …
15 ‘ They are put forward at a time when industry uncertainty about the result of the current energy policy debate is starting to affect confidence in future investment offshore and halfway through a licensing round when industry application have already been made , ’ a statement said .
16 No evidence was found to lead us , including the Judge Advocate General , to think that the convictions were unsound or that the accused were treated unfairly at the time . ’
17 Instead , he talked somewhat mystifyingly about not re-writing history , not substituting latter-day judgment for that of contemporaries , and not finding any evidence that the men were treated unfairly at the time .
18 Police are particularly anxious to trace a courting couple who were seen nearby at the time of the attack .
19 It 's almost as if Hook Norton Brewery were locked away in a time warp ; even in the heart of the brewery , the steam engine which runs it is still there .
20 Once again , the two kings were stranded together at a time when the kingdom of Sicily was at a particularly explosive juncture in its long and turbulent history .
21 The size of the waves is governed largely by the time during which they have been moving under the influence of the-wind .
22 ‘ I do n't think there 's anybody who 's worked here for a time who has n't at some time felt like crying , or who has n't actually cried or felt really down .
23 Normally ( see Fig. 3.2 ) cortisol is secreted mainly around the time of waking and this seems to be part of dealing with the ‘ stress ’ of waking up and preparing for the new day .
24 The genre of apocalyptic historical prophecy reached its apotheosis in the writings of Oswald Spengler , whose The Decline of the West had been published coincidentally at the time of Germany 's military defeat .
25 It is unquestionably true that the large-scale employment of women made it possible for certain Edinburgh houses to offer competitive terms in the years up to about 1900–10 , and the argument was made both at the time and in retrospective accounts .
26 Nylon yarn was made there for a time along with Cellophane packaging film , carpets and circular knitted fabrics .
27 The initial estimate was based partly on the time required for radioactive heating to cause the subducted oceanic crust and sediment to become buoyant and rise .
28 Young Philip was employed there for a time before going abroad , taking over during his father 's trips into the country where some landowners Sought his practical advice , particularly with regard to establishing plantations of hitherto unknown trees from abroad .
29 The result was that the story was set aside for the time being .
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