Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adv] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Dead cells are shed constantly from the upper layer and replaced by cells from the lower layers .
2 It did not surprise Hugh to see that the stack had been scattered abroad from the original untidy pile dumped thus , and most of the seasoned timber removed , leaving the flattened bushes plain to be seen .
3 A provincial assembly of the clergy , to which proctors came in greater numbers than to parliament and which all abbots and priors were entitled to attend , was increasingly the body through which the clergy were taxed ; gradually the name of convocation , which had been applied haphazardly from the early twelfth century to a variety of ecclesiastical gatherings , was reserved for this assembly .
4 Dacourt estimated we had killed scores of our assailants but only three corpses were dragged in , all of them casualties of the ladder which had been pushed away from the outer wall .
5 The sets , often exquisitely detailed illusion painted on flats or fixed on netting , date from the early 1950s , but the costumes have been made afresh from the original designs and the production is relatively new .
6 The severity of congenital abnormalities has been evaluated previously from the Hungarian congenital abnormality registry database 1977–81 .
7 Earlier it had been drawn overwhelmingly from the privileged strata , the sons of the landed nobility and higher ranks of the civil service , and only a few outstanding figures had emerged as pioneers in the ‘ gentry stage ’ of the revolutionary movement .
8 McDonald 's world famous French Fries are produced only from the best quality potatoes — Russet Burbank and Pentland Dell — and our total annual requirement is UK grown .
9 Dunning and colleagues do not pretend that football hooligans are drawn exclusively from the lower working class , or that all lower-working-class adolescents and young adults use the game as a context for fighting .
10 Geography is studied with supporting courses that are drawn mainly from the social science programme , and flexibility and choice are the hallmarks of the degree .
11 It was a perfect site because the building , for which a quarter of a million pounds ( £8,250,000 ) had been set aside from the Twentieth Century Fund , was meant to be ‘ a challenge to the Church of England ’ .
12 It would not be the first time that a Court sorcerer had been lured away from the strong pure magic of Ireland and sworn allegiance to the Dark Realm .
13 The JC pronouns mi and dem are derived historically from the English object pronouns me and them although in JC they may be used as subjects .
14 The remedies are derived mainly from the natural world ( the mineral , plant and animal kingdoms ) and are selected and administered according to a set of basic principles .
15 In the present case the argument was at one stage canvassed that requesting the receipt with the consequent obtaining of fingerprints , should be regarded separately from the main issue , that it amounted to a separate trick within a trick .
16 The estimate meant that , if no agreement was reached between congress and the president , $104,800 million would be sequestrated automatically from the 1991 budget , under the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings deficit reduction legislation ( the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act ) which provided a statutory obligation to reduce the deficit to $64,000 million by 1991 and to achieve its complete elimination by 1993 .
17 If practical , where the potential purchaser is not a KPMG client the appropriate person in the operating office nearest to the identified candidate ( normally the managing partner or the merger and acquisition services specialist ) should be contacted to establish whether there are any KPMG connections with the potential purchaser and whether it would be more beneficial for the approach to be made directly from the nearest operating office .
18 for non-KPMG clients , if practical , inform the appropriate person in the operating office nearest to the identified candidate of the firm 's intention to approach ( this will normally be the managing partner specialising in merger and acquisition services ) and inquire whether there are any KPMG connections with the identified candidate and whether or not it would be more appropriate for the approach to be made directly from the nearest operating office
19 The large amphibians of the Palaeozoic did not survive beyond the Permian , and so our inferences about their modes of life have to be made entirely from the bony fossils that survive .
20 Much as in 1980–1 , the ‘ social causes ’ argument can not be seen separately from the broader debate about the future of the British economy and society .
21 The Cathedral , which can be seen even from the furthest peaks of Alsace , is regarded by the Alsatians as a proud symbol of their heritage .
22 The information needed for this part of the investigation will be drawn partly from the postal survey , and also from a series of interviews with firms in each of the three countries .
23 But its reports are not as comprehensive , they have to be requested singly from the main menu ( which means multiple passes of your text through the analyser ) and the reports may not offer the intuitive help that the other programs give you .
24 The mood of the place , and an indication of what they were about , could be gleaned instantly from the huge posters around the reception office walls of blow-ups of the 1968 French student riots .
25 With the Tories also there , attention could eventually be shifted away from the old disputes and onto the business of who governs the state and in whose interest .
26 And once we start such an enquiry , Poulantzas claims , we shall be dragged away from the objective definition of classes , back into individualist accounts of the perceptions and intentions of their members .
27 That for the Sutton route would be entered directly from the running track .
28 It is therefore possible for a defendant in a negligence action to raise a defence of volenti non fit injuria , but consent to the risk in question can not be inferred merely from the other party 's knowledge of the purported exclusion .
29 Thus , a secretary working in a carpet factory ( code 438 ) will be coded differently from the same grade of secretary working in a neighbouring household textiles factory ( 455 ) .
30 Stereoscopic images can be produced from such oblique views , thus improving the information content of the images by allowing terrain elevations to be derived directly from the remotely-sensed images .
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