Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [that] [adj] [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It has been hypothesised that this characteristic is due to extra chromosomal material in the X chromosome as compared with the Y chromosome .
2 It was standard procedure for such conglomerates to collect contemporary art , now that it had been recognized that such art was plentiful , reasonably affordable , and able to yield substantial returns .
3 There is no similar obligation to report where a debentureholder enters into possession and it has been recommended that this omission be corrected .
4 It has been claimed that automatic crystallisation is unfair in the sense that it could prejudice subsequent chargees who do not know , and indeed who may have no way of knowing , that the charge has crystallised .
5 It has often been claimed that English speech is rhythmical , and that the rhythm is detectable in the regular occurrence of stressed syllables ; of course , it is not suggested that the timing is as regular as a clock — the regularity of occurrence is only relative .
6 The praise bestowed on the adaptation of literary classics , the films of the foreign directors , and the role of Vidor always stressed the relative realism of these films compared with the standard product and was testimony to the extent to which the feature film had moved away from the era of social preoccupations when it had been felt that social preaching was the obvious subject-matter for Hollywood .
7 There has been a tendency more recently , however , for deaf people to be wary of consecutive interpreting where they may feel information is added to , or subtracted from , the message ( Allsop and Kyle , 1982 ) , even though for spoken languages it has usually been felt that consecutive interpreting is much more effective and much easier to check for the validity of the interpretation ( Herbert , 1978 ) .
8 In common with Category 2 of the New South Wales legislation , it has been said that this offence is ‘ more significant for what it fails to include [ than ] for what it does include . ’
9 It appears from experiments in which platelet-membrane fractions have been separated that thromboxane synthesis is associated with intracellular membranes known as dense tubular membranes ( Carey et al , 1982 ) .
10 This requires diagnostic skills normally associated with doctors , but it has long been suspected that this responsibility is generally left entirely to the DN , so this section begins with an analysis of DN responses to the question : ‘ Who decided on current treatment ? ’ before examining that treatment .
11 Checks have been made that this bone was not missed during laboratory processing of the pellet samples , and there is little chance of bones being detached from pellets before collection because of the compact nature of barn owl pellets .
12 It has been argued that romantic love is a relatively modern phenomenon , reserved in earlier times for the delight of troubadours and the illicit pleasures of the rich .
13 It has sometimes been argued that marine erosion is not active at present because raised beaches are still preserved on exposed parts of the coast , e.g. on Gower in South Wales and at Brighton .
14 It has been argued that this essay is vitiated by " bad faith " .
15 It has been argued that human wealth is so illiquid that the greater is this h ratio , the greater will be the demand for money to compensate for the limited marketability of human wealth .
16 There is , to my mind , no doubt that Mr Bloch and his locksmith would not have been permitted by Mr Clayton to interfere with the existing lock if Mr Clayton had been told that that act was intended in any way to interfere with his rights under his existing sub-lease .
17 I have been told that this decision was partly in response to lobbying by feminist groups .
18 Now we are told that universal capping is necessary because the Secretary of State and his colleagues are frightened of trusting local people to make local decisions under the new banded system .
19 As we were unable to cover any practical work in the January session it has been requested that further time be allocated .
20 One 's hopes are raised that Scots law is to get at least some adequate mention , but these hopes founder on the title of the very first chapter , ‘ The Incorporation of European Community Law into English Law ’ .
21 It has been proposed that colorectal carcinogenesis is accompanied by increased mucosal cell proliferation and that the converse may also apply .
22 It should be explained that such efficiency is practically impossible nowadays , for many reasons , chiefly because of what is termed as ‘ lines of demarcation ’ .
23 However it should be emphasized that nominal responsibility is not necessarily indicative of time devoted to training .
24 But it must be added that this meaning is never the right one : superstructures are faulty acts which have ‘ made it ’ socially .
25 This is because their world knowledge tells them that the banks found near rivers are not usually of the financial type ( although it must be stressed that this interpretation is not wrong , it is just less likely ) .
26 It should be stressed that this complication is rare , and only a minority of cases go on to develop long-term problems .
27 Finally , it may be claimed that real neutrality is comprehensive neutrality , narrow neutrality being compromised neutrality which is sometimes all that is possible .
28 It can not be claimed that this machinery was very successful and the Thatcher Government rapidly did away with it .
29 For many elderly patients it will be decided that cardiac surgery is not clinically indicated .
30 It can be seen that considerable pressure is being put on the land by these many uses .
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