Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adv prt] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's that time of year when theatres everywhere are given over to the mayhem that is panto … when men are dames and the principal boys are girls .
2 To achieve this it will be essential to create a culture where services are given back to the people and delivered with the attitude that the ‘ customer is sovereign ’ .
3 Mrs Leinen fears if they are flown back to the United States she 'll lose custody forever .
4 An NRA spokesman said the spillage had been traced back to the Lartington Treatment Works , where there had been no threat to drinking water .
5 A spokesman for the ministry confirmed that an outbreak of food poisoning in Bedworth in July had been traced back to the monastery .
6 In orthodox psychoanalysis , after the repressions of pre-genital and genital sexuality had been pointed out to the analysand , the choice was then either to sublimate these impulses or to reject them rationally .
7 If this legal consequence had been pointed out to the bank at the time , they might have said that that was not what they intended , but that is a factor common probably to all cases in which a release is given to one of two joint debtors .
8 Also , the land which stretches back to Rockhill Farm from Swingswang on the opposite side of that road is all part and parcel of the County Council smallholdings , and only two fields away they sold off a piece of land a few years ago which has now been developed on to the frontage of the Banbury Road , which is in fact the Cromwell Business Park .
9 Since the monks were thrown out of Prague in 1954 , the cloisters of the monastery have been given over to a display of Czech illuminated manuscripts , printing techniques and modern literature .
10 A ten-fold increase in fish farming is expected in Milford Haven , Pembrokeshire , over the next couple of years and , already , sizeable plots of land have been given over to the business .
11 Although most of this chapter has been given over to an exposition of the policy inefficacy proposition which was grounded in the aggregate demand-aggregate supply framework where variations in the absolute price level figure prominently , the reader should note that many new classical writers simply take it for granted that , in a competitive economy , markets clear on average over time .
12 The issue has been referred back to the MacLeod Estates , from whom a reply is awaited .
13 Two square escutcheon plates , each incised with a cross , have been riveted on to the surface above and below the keyhole .
14 The steady increase in the number of complaints against members of the Bar mentioned in last year 's report has continued ; 262 complaints having been received up to the end of September .
15 The steady increase in complaints against members of the Bar mentioned in last year 's Report has continued , 262 complaints having been received up to the end of September .
16 Then , suddenly , the arms are dropped down to the sides of the body again .
17 Though Musgrave did not bring himself to ask the soldier what he had seen , his impression was ‘ that Aimable had not been fattened up to the mark of the visitor 's large expectations ’ .
18 These chapters record how the instructions given in chapters 25–31 are carried out to the letter .
19 Despite this , many pet cats are carried off to the vet by exasperated owners for this type of ‘ convenience surgery ’ .
20 Mr Doogan — who had previously been let in to the site at Aldermaston , Berks — claimed a new rule banned Irish people .
21 Nothing that the Minister has said today convinces me that his heart and his mind have been won over to the case for a funding council .
22 He felt like a moth that had been sucked in to a candle flame , but the fluttering was in his chest .
23 But the press had already been tipped off : Mrs Simpson 's car had been booked on to the Channel steamer in her own name .
24 Fido has been booked in to the kennels down the road and Fluffy has Mrs Jones coming in to feed her — but what about the fish ?
25 The residuals are smoothed using the same recipe as before , and the results are added back to the results of the first smooth ; this is illustrated in exercise 9.1 .
26 The red theme has been carried through to the goblets that the family use every Christmas , the napkins and the candlesticks .
27 When night fell we were appalled to find that the same principle had been carried over to the highway .
28 REPAIRS have been carried out to a 40ft long roof of a village canoe store which blew off after just a few weeks in place .
29 1.6 " the Premises " means the part of the Site described in the Second Schedule together with such of the Works and the Tenant 's Works as may from time to time have been carried out on the Premises This describes the premises which are to be demised to the tenant and which will include the tenant 's works and possibly also the landlord 's works where alterations or refurbishment works have been carried out to the premises by the landlord .
30 Tennis Courts Considerable work has been carried out to the pavilion but no work has been undertaken on the playing surface or the fencing .
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