Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Billy Dann 's office was long and narrow , almost as narrow as the desk placed across it just in front of the window , but very high because it had been partitioned out of a much bigger room .
2 Sometimes vulnerable old people are caught up in a more general crisis such as a major road or rail accident , or other disaster .
3 Investigations into the activities of this particular gang had been carried out over a very long period and they had been kept under constant surveillance by our officers who were thus able to feed us all the necessary information towards a successful interception .
4 Until fairly recently , forestry has often been carried out on a very big scale , with tens of thousands of hectares being covered and public access made difficult .
5 Many databases which use SQL provide a QBE interface so that inexperienced users can formulate queries quickly ( the data definition will usually have been carried out by a more experienced user using SQL and complex queries will also use SQL ) .
6 However , and dimers are twisted out of a purely cis arrangement due to steric hindrance ( Fig. 2 ) .
7 The lace holes on his shoes are mapped out in a rather racy zigzag pattern , and he used to play in Patti Smith 's band .
8 The lace holes on his shoes are mapped out in a rather racy zigzag pattern , and he used to play in Patti Smith 's band .
9 The likelihood is not that the whole system is ‘ switched off , but that parts of it are turned off in a very unsystematic way .
10 Some years earlier , the same issues had been opened up from a more consciously theological angle by the Halle professor Martin Kähler .
11 It had been set up with a directly practical focus : to provide insights and resources which would help teachers in initial training to prepare themselves to use activities involving collaborative work between children .
12 Grace had been brought up in a very religious household and she maintained strict standards for herself but , she says , ‘ was not allowed to check or discipline John in any way ’ .
13 At its most conventional , the use of word pairs is a substitute for creative poetic activity , whereas the parallelism of greater precision is a subtle relationship between or among the lines of poetry that can only be designed in by a relatively sophisticated artist .
14 This review process needs to be carried out on a fairly regular basis , perhaps every six months , and it should include looking at the current state of the market to see if there are any new developments that can be applied .
15 However , our descriptive task will be more difficult , as it involves dealing with greater complexity of variation than would be the case in more focused communities , and it has to be carried out at a very fine-grained level .
16 The truth is that aircraft accident investigation should be carried out in a completely impartial and objective manner .
17 Summat a all to be carried out in a much better spirit and both parties were pleased with the result .
18 Questioned , Swayne stated that the animal had been let out at approximately 9.30 on Saturday evening and was crying to be let in at a little before midnight .
19 The presence of a ‘ module header ’ does not restrict the generality of this definition , since it can be picked out from a very wide range of module contexts .
20 The operation of the sterling money markets and the role of the Bank of England will be built up from a relatively simple picture .
21 Anyone who needs an operation will wish to be operated on by a competently trained surgeon ; the necessary skills need to be honed over time .
22 The jokes could be played out in a fully contemporary setting and could often concern the adventures of very ordinary downtrodden men .
23 Nonetheless the 1991–92 figure clearly needed to be brought back to a more affordable level , and during the ‘ star chamber ’ exercise in the spring to which referred last year , the contract with Westminster Strategy ( our PR consultants ) was renegotiated , and the budgeted figure for the current year has been reduced to £170,000 .
24 Other , more local , axes in , for example , Northumberland , have also been suggested , and can be brought down to a very local level .
25 He was shrewd enough to realize that western-style government could not easily be grafted on to a chiefly structure profoundly resistant to rapid and uneven modernization .
26 Smith therefore felt that the manufacturers ' allocations should be cut back to a more realistic level than the BEA 's plant-ordering programme , while he allocated more steel for the foundation and building work on power station sites which was the bottleneck .
27 ’ A temporary prefabricated structure can be put up in a very short time with manual labour .
28 erm We saw the beginning of the factory , industrialization , big manufacturers where lots of people worked and where cloth could be churned out at a very fast rate , and therefore , cloth was cheaper .
29 It is expected to be worked out in a little over six years .
30 An intensity of energy is always present in his performances : it can be potent and concentrated ( as in late Brahms ) , or it can be layed out on a more expansive scale , as in Rachmaninov or here in the ‘ Emperor ’ .
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