Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] a [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Exchange rates had only been adjusted as a last resort by deficit and surplus countries , and so were not used speedily enough to prevent prolonged payments imbalances and exchange rate crises .
2 And now these fears have been compounded by a sixth profitability study by accountants Spicer & Oppenheim whose gloomy conclusions may well prolong the sector 's agonies further .
3 despite no implied obligation on a landlord to maintain land over which a right of way had been given to a third party there was an obligation in the case where use of property would be impossible in the absence or without that obligation .
4 Members heard funding had been given for a fourth ear , nose and throat surgeon .
5 If you are recalled for a second interview it is worth changing to a different outfit altogether if you can afford it or have something else suitable .
6 This requires firms that are approached for a second opinion to contact the auditor to see if there are any relevant facts that they ought to know .
7 One can still see this triumph of Brindley 's engineering skill , though it is now disused , having been superseded by a second tunnel , parallel with the first , which was constructed by Telford in 1827 .
8 America 's faltering recovery continued with a 6.7% rise in housing starts in April over the previous month , lower than had been expected after a first quarter in which housing starts had been curbed by bad weather .
9 TVS , which loses its south of England television franchise at end of year , said it had been approached by a third party , which may lead to an alternative take-over offer to the one already proposed .
10 The recommendation for deportation had apparently been added as a last minute after thought , without any proper inquiry .
11 ’ The Protocol added the following sentence : ‘ However , proof to the contrary shall not be admissible when the bill of lading has been transferred to a third party acting in good faith . ’
12 The good news is that plans have been made for a third building .
13 By pressing actively for the payment of wages monthly instead of weekly , they have supported and contributed to the great growth or worker banking in those countries , where it has been seen as a first step to other ‘ staff status ’ privileges .
14 However , an arrangement where the trader 's losses are met by a third party , not for commercial reasons but solely to encourage the trader to keep trading , is not legitimate .
15 Thus floating has often been adopted as a last resort when a system of fixed exchange rates has collapsed , as was the case in 1973 .
16 By the time the customer walked into the shop , the joint had been wrapped by a second assistant whilst a third would fill the empty space in the window .
17 One or two helicopter radios are equipped with a second throttle hold option to allow the practice setting to be retained .
18 Particular care should be exercised when instructions are offered by a third party on behalf of either , for example , an aged parent , or where a husband offers instructions on behalf of himself and his wife .
19 Each lamella consists of a pair of membranes which at certain points are interspaced by a third membrane , the GRANAL REGION of the chloroplast .
20 Rarely in the history of the Cannes Film , Festival has a debutant director won the Palme d'Or ; but then , rarely has such a formidable and original talent been displayed in a first film .
21 Since the trial , the Code had been replaced by a second edition .
22 McKoy , having already been called back for one false start , would have been disqualified for a second offence — but he took full advantage of his head-start to pip Jackson for the gold .
23 By driving his own cars when he was past his peak as a driver , he lost out on the development that could have been contributed by a second opinion .
24 And the London-based scientist said he believed it was more than a coincidence that the same colony seemed to have been affected by a second strain of the gizzard worm infection which killed 137 birds last year .
25 Parliament elects a President for a four-year term ( the current President , Wee Kim Wee , having been re-elected for a second term in August 1989 — see below ) who appoints a Cabinet headed by a Prime Minister and responsible to Parliament .
26 To equip this fish for its incredible journey across thousands of kilometres of ocean to its spawning grounds in the Sargasso Sea , the eel 's eyes grow larger and their red pigments are replaced by a second type of blue pigments .
27 A COUPLE who suffered a catalogue of tragedies are set for a second honeymoon in the Austrian mountains .
28 It remains our conviction that the umpires have done their conscientious best throughout the summer , and that only ‘ line decisions ’ ( run-outs , stumpings , boundary incidents ) should be referred to a third umpire who has a TV playback monitor .
29 A further 60 seats would be filled by a second vote in which electors would express their preference for political parties rather than individual candidates , with the seats being distributed in accordance with the proportion of the vote achieved by each party .
30 He never supposed a bus might recur in his life , to be travelled in a second time , with a recognisable darn in its upholstery .
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