Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] the local [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The roots are crushed in the local sugar factory to extract the sugary juice .
2 Milton Keynes TEC says : ’ 495 young people are registered with the local Careers Office with 14 notified job vacancies and no Youth Training vacancies . ’
3 A random sample of 100 was taken from the 308 patients who had been referred to the local Detoxification Unit during the same 12 months of the first prevalence study period .
4 Rather like small urban AONBs except that they are designated by the local planning authority as part of their planning function .
5 At Duperial 's San Lorenzo site , Argentina , close links have been formed with the local neighbourhood to discuss the works ' operations and emissions .
6 Free activities : A selection of walks are organised by the local tourist office .
7 It was only a matter of a few hours before the stranger had been slotted into the local kinship network ; and the recognition of kinship was mutual .
8 ‘ I would have thought , ’ Merrill said carefully , ‘ that her death would have been reported in the local newspaper — ’
9 The grapes are picked from the local vineyard and brought to the house where they are crushed .
10 The Secretary of State can not interfere on a parent 's behalf over a curricular matter until the complaint has been pursued via the local complaints machinery .
11 Over this time , 0.022 melanomas would have been expected in the local population .
12 These are dominated by the local authority within whose boundaries the park lies ; for example , Devon administers the Dartmoor National Park .
13 In many areas such schemes are operated by the local chamber of commerce or residents ' association .
14 The Secretary of State is not required to entertain an appeal if it appears to him that permission for the proposed development could not have been granted by the local planning authority , or could not have been so granted otherwise than subject to the conditions imposed by them , having regard to the statutory requirements to the provisions of the development order , and to any directions given under the order .
15 The same dump , however , harboured 21 illegal tonnes of 7 per cent arsenic waste , a situation which had been revealed by the local paper a year previously , and then allowed to sit by local authorities .
16 Protests have been made by the local gardening club , Jubilee Citizens Club , a playgroup and WI over the new increased charges that would be forced upon them if the proposal was approved .
17 Branch Welfare Officer profiles have been featured in the local press and the Association 's new welfare facilities have also served to provide a focus of interest for the media .
18 He said the meeting , which had also been attended by the local policeman , Constable Mike Munro , had attracted about 20 villagers .
19 Clan badges are many and varied , and several have been selected from the local plants .
20 Bats visit a range of plants and these are visited by a range of bats ; plants transferred from the New to the Old Worlds and vice versa are visited by the local bats .
21 I have lived here for nearly eighteen years and I have been accepted by the local community .
22 Access to the adjoining land may well have been provided by means of a road or ’ hammerhead ’ and the road will almost certainly have been adopted by the local authority .
23 Some local authorities may refuse to accept development of the site unless the section of the access road that is private has been adopted by the local authority .
24 There may be important conditions to be observed ( eg to ensure that the road has been adopted by the local authority ) , and if it is not possible to comply with these , the mortgage may not go through .
25 Voluntary aided schools are governed by an instrument of government ( constituting the governing body ) and articles of government ( regulating the way the school is to be governed ) both of which are made by the local education authority : section 1 of the Education ( No. 2 ) Act 1986 .
26 Suppressing the divine ire of the Northerner at Southern superciliousness , which would hardly serve his turn at this juncture , Greg said : ‘ The point is , I 've been commissioned by the local rag to write a pamphlet on Walter Machin and his World — ’
27 Many communities had become sharply divided as a result of the way the penal laws had been enforced at the local level , and understandably Nonconformists retained a deep distrust of their Anglican neighbours who until recently had been the agents of their destruction .
28 She has been told by the local hospital that she can not have an appointment until June 1993 .
29 THE Conservative-controlled Stirling District has been told by the local MP , Michael Forsyth , that he is horrified at the way in which the council has handled a housing matter .
30 They have been told by the local authority that they can not grow oilseed rape because the smell might upset Disney guests .
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