Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] the [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 What is really new about this vision , though ( the non-affluent have always serviced the affluent ) is that hedonism becomes the moral dynamo of the economy : pleasures are justified by the work they provide , having fun becomes a moral duty .
2 A Will is a commonsense and legal way to ensure that any possessions you have are given to the people you wish to pass them on to .
3 The AFBD has not been treated with the seriousness it deserves by bodies as powerful as the London International Financial Futures Exchange .
4 This aspect of Jewish intellectual life has never been treated with the attention it deserves .
5 Associated with this view is the general contention that services are consumed at the time they are produced , and therefore they can not be stored , transported or resold .
6 The dhāmi picked up his long tuft of hair bound with silver rings that had been given to the god he embodied , and carefully wound it round his head again and covered it with his turban .
7 Both men took , grave risks in the roles they adopted and could well have been attacked had their disguises been broken by the people they lived with .
8 ‘ I am Betty 's pusher but because I have had a hip replacement I am limited in the amount I can walk , ’ said Mr Richardson .
9 Three replies had been received to the applications he had sent , and had been opened by his father as Joe had asked .
10 the income arising to the trust has a foreign source and therefore had it been received by the beneficiary he would not have borne tax on it ; and 2. the benefit — the payment out by the trustees to the individual — is not received in the United Kingdom .
11 Patrick himself made a statement to my sister which I 've got on tape , saying he 'd been discarded by the woman he married .
12 Yet such evidence as there is suggests that his love for his wife had been deepened by the way she had stood by him during his years in prison .
13 I am reminded of the lesson I took in a school in Sylhet which I described in my first article and the way the understanding of the task helped the children to understand the English I was using .
14 If Maria Jakob 's car had been parked in the front she would not have stopped .
15 There are arguments about whether we have some ‘ primordial ’ sense of the world which is in some way independent of the symbol systems we use , or to what extent our visual or aural perceptions of painting or music depend on or are penetrated by the knowledge we have through such systems .
16 But having said that surely Wilkinson could have kept him at the club , for someone who says that players are picked on the performances they produce how can he explain Deane ?
17 Critical reservations about New Historicism are overwhelmed by the benefits it has produced in forcing us to reconsider the relations between texts , historical contexts , and the methodologies we use in both establishing and unravelling these relations .
18 If , and it was a very big ‘ if ’ , Riddle 's body had been substituted for the Scapegoat he felt sure that it was not as a convenient way of disposing of the body but to give more effective expression to the hatred which had inspired his killing .
19 The bell to announce the visiting hour had already been rung by the time they reached the hospital , and , after walking along corridors in the company of numerous people who carried flowers and parcels , they found themselves in a ward filled with beds and patients .
20 Though state-owned companies are able to achieve keener interest rates by borrowing from the Government through the National Loan Fund , they are constrained in the amount they can borrow and the uses to which the money can be put because all such borrowings count towards the public sector borrowing requirement .
21 The Noble Earl , Lord has been wounded by the suggestion he confessed to be in the last debate that Mr Howard has the intention of putting political friends into these jobs .
22 Most of them are contained in the report I had drawn up , which is in front of you now . ’
23 Count Tolstoy has been overwhelmed by the support he 's received .
24 Once it has been lifted from the frames it will be offered to the NRM who have expressed interest in it for a projected display .
25 In no way had she ever been prepared for the life she was now expected to lead and Charles had some difficulty in understanding her feelings .
26 We know , too , the frequent result of such crude precautions , the often painful unpleasantness-to use a mild term — which results from putrefaction , and which the undertaker assures the family is ‘ quite inevitable ’ … whereas when the body has been prepared by the Operator it keeps the appearance of life for an indefinite period , and the last look remains as a pleasant remembrance to their friends .
27 If there had been no political factor in the equation , it is unlikely that Profumo would have been ruined in the way he was and tortured for years by a newspaper interest which has survived until the present day .
28 Now the question arises : have my taste-buds been ruined by the muck I 've plucked from the mouths of babes ?
29 Everybody says that 's what 's going to happen , but erm when it 's been done in the past I 've not had any figures produced that indicate that the service provision has had to fall off because of increased charges .
30 Praise you up when you go around kicking things , walking about with your eyes shut you 've got to join the Fire Service and you walk , you canna walk about with your eyes shut , you ca n't , people that have been injured in the head they 're going to be screaming about it are n't they your eyes are wonderful things Matt , they give you all round vision , you can see from , from the side of your eye if you look it 's like everything else if you do n't use it properly , you do n't get the benefit from it
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