Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] [art] way in " in BNC.

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1 Scant attention has been given to the way in which man 's attitude to death feeds back into his life and so exerts an influence upon society .
2 While Baldwin 's succession to Bonar Law in 1923 has been almost overdiscussed , practically no attention has been given to the way in which he slipped in for the third time in 1935 .
3 Detailed consideration has been given to the way in which these different types of unit should be certificated .
4 In dry parts of the world , such as Australia , forest and bush fires are an important natural hazard and some attention has been given to the ways in which GIS might help examine their potential impacts .
5 For some departments in local councils , the Urban Programme has been regarded as a way in which capital schemes cut from other mainstream budgets might be reinstated .
6 Dietary preferences of the predators are closely linked with the preferred hunting habitats of the different species , and these in turn are related to the way in which the predators hunt .
7 Reference has already been made to the way in which developments in medicine began , in the late nineteenth century , to render inadequate the traditional poor law approach to the care of the sick .
8 Much anthropology has been written on the ways in which culture and social rules constrain women .
9 In all these cases the court has been concerned to ensure that these fundamental requirements are met in the way in which , particularly in the case of the county courts , they are intended to be and should be met .
10 And finally , some concluding remarks are offered on the ways in which additional linguistic frameworks may be brought to bear on the same linguistic data .
11 These differences are reflected in the ways in which community contributions to education have worked out .
12 Thus , consideration should be given to the way in which policy goals may be effectively translated into political and legal reality , based on both a realistic perception of the obstacles that have to be overcome and an accurate assessment of the contribution which lawyers and litigation may make in promoting desirable social change .
13 The examples used should be realistic and relevant to the pupils concerned Emphasis should also be given to the way in which percentages are used both for comparative purposes in many everyday situations and also as a numerical measure based on a 100-point scale of reference .
14 In this respect , attention would need to be given to the ways in which the students sought to map meanings onto the text , and how , more specifically , they attempted to relate propositions in the text despite the absence of overt 'surface " clues .
15 In the process , information will be gathered about the ways in which microcomputer based models can help to bring understanding of other points of view than one 's own .
16 For this reason and for reasons of space , the discussion here will be confined to the way in which the coins themselves can be used to reveal information about their date or mint .
17 Slowish tempos are to some degree unavoidable , because of the textural detail in Mozart 's score ; and the conductor can not altogether be blamed for the ways in which the music is softened .
18 The detailed study waits to be written on the way in which developments in the law of certiorati affected the law on natural justice .
19 Particular mention should be made of the way in which the new legislation is consistently placed in the context of existing law .
20 Answering the same question a number of times is a useful exercise in showing how improvements can be made in the way in which you present the facts to the examiner .
21 This can be seen in the way in which the sides lined up in recent arguments about sabbatarianism in the DUP manifesto .
22 Individually they were always at pains to stress the provisional nature of the conceptual apparatus , and their flexibility can be seen in the way in which the theory evolved to include new topics such as narrative and literary history .
23 This can be seen from the way in which occupational segregation thwarts the effective implementation of the Equal Pay Act .
24 Either it might see what could be done within the area which Kant had left to it ; or it might ask whether there might not after all be rather more to be said about the way in which genuine knowledge of God is made possible .
25 The association between the game and the tailors could be related to the way in which the tailors were knocked down as the riot was controlled .
26 The impact of this approach on physical geography can be attributed to the ways in which these four types of system could rationalize physical geography endeavour , and could catalyse the introduction of new concepts especially concerned with temporal change .
27 In future , however , energy matters would be kept under review by a new advisory panel of independent experts which would suggest how information should be interpreted on the way in which markets were developing and studies that should be carried out , similar to ones which were commissioned for the coal review .
28 Even if there is no change in the level of the PSBR , the rate of change of money growth will be affected by the way in which government finance is raised .
29 The findings can be compared with the way in which policy actions were described at the time , and one sub- period can be compared with another .
30 Its impact can be compared to the way in which the Tories in Scotland managed to turn a predicted disaster into an additional two seats at the last UK elections .
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