Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [verb] [conj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And we are fascinated to know that this approach has been shown to be so effective in a remote part of the Far East where our cassettes are transported on the back of a motorcycle !
2 ( G ) In the event of any occurrence giving rise to a dispute between a party hereto and its Insured or to a claim against a party hereto other than a claim for which this Agreement provides it shall be optional to such party upon notice thereof to suspend the application of this Agreement to such occurrence until such dispute or claim has been adjusted provided that such party shall indemnify the other party hereto against all costs and expenses incurred as a consequence of such suspension in defending its interests in a matter for which this Agreement provides .
3 The context of speech-making and the techniques and conventions that have been developed ensure that many sides of a case are put at the same time as maintaining the proprieties due to different statuses .
4 In the final version , however , the wording had been amended to state that foreign banking markets were required to provide equivalent , but not necessarily identical , access facilities to EC banks if they wanted to trade within the EC ; it was also agreed that any foreign banks which were already trading legally within the EC would not need to reapply for authorization .
5 A shareholders action committee has been formed to see if any value can be obtained .
6 They are intended to ensure that increased levels of interaction amongst Network members do not result in friction or embarrassment amongst Network members or the extensive use of other Network members ' resources on an unprofitable basis .
7 Detailed regulations are in place which are designed to ensure that all employees give the highest priority to the health and safety of themselves , and those around them .
8 Erm authorities are expected to show that environmental concerns have been comprehensively and consistently taken into adv erm account in their plans .
9 He thought , not for the first time , that a system which required ministers to run their departments , fulfil their parliamentary responsibilities , and spend the weekend listening to the grievances of their constituents , might have been designed to ensure that major decisions were made by men and women tired to the point of exhaustion .
10 Initially , the main aim of this research was to demonstrate the inaccuracy of Chomsky 's characterization of the input as " random and degenerate " but , more recently , attempts have been made to show that particular features of this register actually facilitate the learner 's task .
11 And , ultimately , you 're bound to realise that this amount of money would go a long , long way towards buying your own small PA system — cabs , mixer amp , processor , parametric , vocal mike and all .
12 The inverted commas are used to emphasize that such statements contain estimates and personal decisions that are sometimes arbitrary and refer to specific accounting periods which may not be representative of the operational situation .
13 The inverted commas are used to emphasize that such statements contain estimates and personal decisions that are sometimes arbitrary and refer to specific accounting periods which may not be representative of the operational situation .
14 From my recent discussions with Chris Harris in the European Liaison Unit I am lead to believe that private sector investment in qualifying projects is eligible for grant assistance from the EC , but that the grant can not be paid to a private sector company direct .
15 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , you may keep your door closed and not answer when I ring the bell , you may refuse to answer my letters or return my calls when I leave a message on your answering machine , but sooner or later we are bound to meet and this time I will not let you fob me off with a smile .
16 But doubts are bound to linger and further clarifications are required to dispel them .
17 This is not a suitable case in which to reopen the matter but I am bound to say that this case seems to show that there is room for an exception where examining the proceedings in Parliament would almost certainly settle the matter immediately one way or the other .
18 Annoyed as we may be at having the cardinal terms left thus undefined ( for Pound proceeds no further towards defining them ) , we are compelled to see that this criticism is not of the chalk-or-cheese , sheep-and-goats variety ; the discrimination proposed is more subtle — between a quality in poetry that is ‘ nearly always ’ a virtue ( ’ I can think of no case where it is not' ) , and an opposite quality that is ‘ not always ’ a fault .
19 Traditionally , United Kingdom law has been generous and compilations of non-original matter have been protected providing that some judgment at least has been expended in its making ( see Macmillan & Co .
20 I am saddened to find that such thinking still exists within the profession .
21 It was claimed in 1803 that no less than 90 out of 165 canal acts obtained since 1758 had been concerned primarily with coal carriage , while a further 47 had been linked to iron or non-ferrous metal works or mines .
22 The pack-flat furniture had been invented recognising that younger people had become more mobile and often did not have the time to wait around at home for furniture deliveries .
23 I would be fascinated to know if these yards of generally disagreeable reviews will in fact sell copies .
24 She could no doubt be taught to sew or clean things .
25 That code was to be developed to ensure that public transport met the needs of all passengers , including the disabled and that it worked efficiently in the consumers ' interest .
26 TableCurve can calculate the data 's best fit to one of its equations , or the plot of the data can be previewed to decide whether any data needs to be edited or excluded , or weighting factors applied prior to processing .
27 This market can be expected to grow since increased leisure time and rising disposable incomes are likely to.lead to an increased take up of leisure activities .
28 There are obvious limits to the extra work that families can be expected to absorb and these limits may already have been reached .
29 Erm what I was trying to do was be candid about what kind of er inquiries of the strategic kind might be expected to come if this county had that kind of policy .
30 Does subsidiarity mean that the Member States should be permitted to decide whether that decision is an individual matter or one for the national state to take on the basis of its view of where the best interests of
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