Example sentences of "be [pers pn] [adv] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If it had been me there as a kid , I 'd have wrapped my arms around him and smothered him , that 's how strong the emotion was .
2 Nurse , are you here for a reason ? ’
3 Are you there as a doctor ? ’
4 I mean , are we really in a tree ?
5 As figures be the instruments of ornament in euery language , so be they also in a sorte abuses or rather trespasses in speach , because they passe the ordinary limits of common vtterance , and be occupied of purpose to deceiue the eare and also the minde , drawing it from plainnesse and simplicitie to a certaine doublenesse whereby our talke is the more guilefull & abusing .
6 Are they just for a month are they the cards ?
7 In other words are they there as a form of tokenism ? erm do they get to real positions of power , like for instance , Ann , you work where ?
8 And anyhow , it was still deception , be it only for a minute .
9 Is it just like a mayonnaise sauce .
10 Is it based on the positive pull of their policies , or is it more of a protest vote reflecting a generalised sense of disenchantment with the workings of the two-party politics ?
11 No one disputes that the penal system has serious problems — but is it really in a state of crisis ?
12 Or was it only with a view to inspiring a love of virtue that he read ‘ Abou Ben Adhem ’ and how he ‘ loved his fellow men . ’
13 Was it much of a gash ? ’
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