Example sentences of "be [noun pl] who [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Here and there in that hard , shining city there are individuals who think the same way as he does .
2 By this I mean that the commands to do or to abstain proceed from persons who no matter whether this is logical or reasonable or justifiable by any objective criterion — are believed to be persons who have the moral right to issue them : so that , correlatively , those to whom the commands are addressed feel a moral duty to obey them .
3 If there is no father , or father-substitute , in a family , it is likely to be boys who have the greatest difficulty in finding a secure identity .
4 They were con-men who work the black market and although they spent the whole of the next day in Irkutsk taking me to lunch , visiting a host of Siberian churches and museums and organising a trip to the opera , their interest was in valutta — hard currency — not culture .
5 They were nomads who hunted the plentiful game and tended herds of cattle and sheep .
6 These were patients who missed the one or more check cystoscopies in that first year , and went on to have recurrence when they were next cystoscopied .
7 Mixing with the bemused and baffled guests are actors who stage-manage the whole affair .
8 On the other hand , there are others who take the opposing position , that biological evidence is irrelevant to understanding psychological processes .
9 There is wide agreement that , in such households , it is women who take the main share of responsibility .
10 Yet it is advertisers who have the gaping holes in their shoes .
11 On an eerily quiet night at Celtic Park — wind and driving rain had done little to add lustre to a low-key occasion — it was Hibs who made the brighter start .
12 On an eerily quiet night at Celtic Park — wind and driving rain had done little to add lustre to a low-key occasion — it was Hibs who made the brighter start .
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